Today, we started the electricity unit. Today, we learned about atoms, how they make up everything, and particularly the scale of how small they are. If you had a grapefruit, to see all the atoms inside it, do you know how big you would need to make the grapefruit to see all the atoms? The size of the Earth! And once the grapefruit is the size of the Earth, the atoms would only be the size of a blueberry. Imagine everything you see being made up of blueberries! But we can go smaller. They atoms is made up of the electrons and the nucleus, but just how big is the nucleus? Well, to see it, we need to enlarge our atom to the size of a football stadium. Even the, the nucleus would only be the size of a marble. The nucleus is also made up of smaller things: protons and neutrons. Wait. If the nucleus is in the middle of the atom and the electrons on on the very edge(Which they are), what is in between then? The answer is nothing. Empty space. Consider your mind blown.