Immigration Project Reflection

I think I did well on my wevideo. I think the hardest thing was the timing. I messed up my timing on my wevideo so I actually had to improvise it where I had to fill in things. The easiest thing was the pictures because I had already thought about them. I think my voice over is ok but I think I should have went slower. I like the pictures I put in and I feel satisfied with what I did. I think that doing this I got to learn a lot about how my grandma came to America and how she went to Ecuador then back here to the U.S. I really love doing this project.

Reflection on Interview with Immigrant

My interview with my grandma was so fun. I got to know so much about her life like that she immigrated to two places! I spent one hour and now I know her full  story. I got to spend so much time with her and I have not seen her in a while but I now got to. My mom was so happy to see me talking with my grandma again and she was so happy like how I was happy. I got to have a great time with her and we bounded so much. I was so happy to do this and I can’t wait to make a video about her immigration life.