Star Wars Trailer Comparison

It is interesting to see the trailers side by side. I noticed that they looked similar and played similar scenes at once. It was very interesting that they played music that fit into both too. They showed the black screen at the same time and showed the end at the same time. This was a interesting side by side trailer.

The end.

Free Write #1

In Tampa, Florida one hot day I went to Busch Gardens with my family and a friend and his family. Busch Gardens was not a garden but, it was half a zoo and half a amusement park. There was going to be a lot of things to do that day. That day first we went to see birds they were a type of bird called Ibis. Then we went to see kangaroos, we mostly saw them sleeping but one was hopping and we also got to feed a few. The kangaroos were very cute. Then we went on a tour train and we saw elephants, zebras, a few giraffes and some rhinos. After we went off the train and went on one of the roller coasters. The bad thing was me and my brother had to wait for around half an hour but it was worth it we went on the about thirty second ride but it was worth it, it was so fun we went up and down and we were going at about sixty miles per hour, and I didn’t know we even went upside down for some of the time about two seconds which felt very long for me. After the ride me and my brother met up with my dad then I asked what time it was it was one o’clock already! We then met up with my mom and my friend and his family and ate a nice and filling lunch. Then we went back to do fun stuff. We then walked around trying to find something to do, trying to find a roller coaster but most of them were to scary for my brother and me. So we went back to the zoo and we found some little birds! My dad bought some nectar to feed the birds, and the birds hopped onto us and started sipping a few sips, it was so cute! Then we went to feed giraffes. We first went onto a truck with a cooler with lettuce in it, then the guides toured us around the surrounding areas and told us a bit about it and the animals. Finally we went to feed the giraffes we each got a piece of lettuce and we fed it. It was cool! We saw its big gray tongue grabbing the lettuce it was very cool. Then we were done feeding the giraffe and then we had to go back and get our bags and then we drove back to our hotel in Tampa, Florida. It was a big long hot day for us.

Almost Summaries

In the Cam Jansen mysteries, Cam Jansen and the Haunted House, Aunt Katie and Uncle George, Eric and Cam Jansen go to a amusement park. After a while they found that Aunt Katie’s wallet was stolen. The first suspects were two boys in roller skates that crashed into Aunt Katie. They tried to catch the two boys in roller skates they told the police but he couldn’t catch them. Then Cam found a guy in a black shirt with some bags in his hand …Cam Jansen Mystery images