Seedfolks Chapter 11 Maricella

In the eleventh chapter of Seedfolks by Paul Fleischman it is told by Maricela´s  point of view. She feels like people don´t like her because she is Mexican, and is 16 and pregnant. She feels dead because the pregnancy is taking over her life in a way. I think that she is being a little selfish because she is complaining about the things that her baby took away from her, instead of being excited about the fact that she is going to be a mom.

Seedfolks Chapter 10 Nora

In the tenth chapter of Seedfolks by Paul Fleischman it is told by Nora´s  point of view.  I can tell that she is a caring person because her job involves helping people every day, she is a nurse. She is taking care of a man in a wheelchair. One day she is is strolling him around and they found the garden. She decided to not only take care of people now, but of plants too.

Seedfolks Chapter 9 Curtis

In the ninth chapter of Seedfolks by Paul Fleischman it is told by Curtis’  point of view. Five years ago Curtis was dating Lateesha but when she caught him showing off his muscles to other girls she got mad and they broke up. Now five years later he is looking for a wife and she is looking for a husband. So I think that he plans on getting her back by planting her favorite vegetable, tomatoes.

Seedfolks Chapter 5 Leona

In the fifth chapter of Seedfolks by Paul Fleischman it is told by Leona’s point of view.  Right away I noticed that her granny was very stubborn, but smart because even though she didn’t listen to any of her doctors she still lived longer than any of them. I guess that leona wants to plant the goldenrod because it reminds her of her Granny. She doesn’t like how they have so much trash in the vacant.

Seedfolks Chapter 4

In the fourth chapter of Seedfolks by Paul Fleischman it is told by Gonzalo’s point of view. I think that Gonzalo is pretty embarrassed by his uncle and dad. I say this because in the book it says that they don’t speak English, and Gonzalo explains it by saying that he is getting older and they are getting younger. Then he realizes that his uncle is very intelligent, he realizes this when he sees his uncle plant some seeds.

Seedfolks Chapter 3

In the third chapter of Seedfolks by Paul Fleischman it is told by Wendell’s point of view. Right away I noticed that his son died, it says that his wife was in a car wreck. A lot happened in his life so when Ana called him it sounded really serious and I could tell he was scared because he didn’t want anyone else in his life to die. Then he found out that it was all about the beans that Ana dug up by mistake. He grew up on a farm so Ana probably trusted that he could help. I think that Kim was pretty scared to see Wendell there watering her plants, since she is new there she didn’t know that she wasn’t going to be harmed.

Seedfolks Chapter 2

In the second chapter of Seedfolks by Paul Fleischman it is told by Ana’s point of view. Right away I notice that she is old fashion, I say this because she enjoys looking out of a window instead of watching T.V.  She is thinking about when she was younger, and how different it was. She sees Kim outside and is suspicious, first she thinks about calling the cops but then decides to figure out what was happening by herself. She goes down to see what Kim was burying, she digs it up and finds the beans. She felt terrible and put them back gently, she knew that what she did was wrong.