Constitution Blog #2

I found finding a final resource difficult, and I also found finding the research I needed difficult. So much of it was about the problem itself and never the solution. I overcame this problem in my second resource when it finally talked about how black people fought for the right to vote. This research was fun, but also difficult.

US Constitution Project Blog Post #1

For our US constitution project I chose the question “How did African Americans get the right to vote because I have an interest in racial justice, and so does everyone in my family. It really makes no sense how we have a bias because of skin color. I also wanted to learn about how hard people work to get what they want in the government. This is a major topic now. With the Black Lives Matter Movement I wanted to learn about how a lot of rights have to be fought for, like voting. There is a problem with racism in our government and I want to learn about past problems to see how they were solved.