Rube Goldberg Blog Post #2

I have finally completed my Rube Goldberg project! After a long wait of time until I was finally able to set everything up. My first sketch did not go according to plan. Then when I tried something else which was a little change up from my original plan that didn’t work either. I was running out of ideas. Finally at 11 a clock at night my parents came home and they were tying to help me also. Nothing was working at all. Then my dad came up with a little idea and then together we thought of a whole new project to do. It only took 10 minutes to think of and set up. Then it was time to test and video. It only took me 5 tries to complete and if you want to see my video the link is below

Reflection on Capstone Blog Post #1

When capstone first started I had no idea of a topic. Like I was thinking for 10 minutes straight and nothing came to my mind whatsoever…

One day my sister came into my room and said you should do NCAA D1 basketball because someone who played works for my dad so I can interview him. I liked that idea but I also thought to do the knicks. When I was deciding on which topic I should do, the Knicks slid by pretty fast so my topic was NCAA D1 basketball. Then the hard part came…

I had to think of a main inquiry question as well as 5+ sub questions. I had no idea on what question to think of. I made a graph in a google doc with a bunch of questions and sub question I came up with. None of these question we big enough and some were to big. The only questions I could think of that wasn’t to big or to small were the ones I weren’t interested researching in. I thought of two more questions after that, but instead of doing it on NCAA D1 bsketball I decided on doing it on March Madness which is a tournament that D1 basketball teams do in march. Those questions were, “What teams have got in and won the most march maddnesses?” and “How has march madness evolved since it was first created?” Now these questions were too small. When I met with my teacher, Ms Edwards she thought of a question that was a mix of the two. The question is “How did March Madness evolve and which schools have had the most success competing in it?” This question wasn’t to big or small and I was interested in this question and wanted to find the answer. Now my next goal to think of 5 sub questions that if I can answer than I can figure out the answer to my main question. I though of 5 good questions. My first question is “What was the first ever march madness like?” My second sub question is “What teams have competed in march madness the most?” My third sub question is “What teams have won the most march madnesses?” My fourth sub question is “Was any of the main things on the court different from now than when march maddness first started. (The distance of the three point line, free throw line and half court. Also how tall the hoops were.)” And finaly my fifth sub question is “How long did the games used to be and how did they keep time and the score without the technology we use today?” These aren’t my final sub questions. I am going to have to make some changes especially because I thought of these today. In the meantime I a started to do my research and thinking of more questions to help me answer my sub questions which are helping me answer my main inquiry question. For example, for my first sub question “What was the first ever march madness like?” I need to find ways to answer this. So for a sub question of my sub question I thought, “When was march madness originated.”

Rube Goldberg Blog Post 1

So far, this project has been my favorite project ever. I haven’t been able to start to build the project but I have many plans. Over the past couple of weeks I have been writing tons of plans in my notebook. After a long decision I have decided which contraption I should do. My simple task is to fill my cup with water. I took my time drawing the sketch for this idea. Now I have to gather all the materials I need and I can start building!