Reflection on Immigration Interview

For my immigration interview I decided to pick my Zadie (Grandpa) to interview. I picked my Zaidie because he was the first and only person I thought of that immigrated. When I was preparing for the interview I had a little trouble getting my questions ready and finding a good time and date to do the interview. Finally, my Zadie and I agreed to do my interview on a Saturday but we still didn’t have a certain time. I made sure to have my questions ready for the interview whenever it was going to happen. Then we found a time to do the interview and we did it! I thought it was cool that unlike most people my Zaidie already had so many friends when he got to America because almost everyone in his town immigrated from Canada to Florida. Also when my Zaidie immigrated he already has a wife and three kids and his wife (Bubby, Grandma) was an American.