The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

By Ben


In the Lion, the Witch, and the wardrobe, Narnia is in grave danger because of the White Witch, the White Witch is a character we don’t know much about.


Peter is the oldest of the children. Susan is the second oldest of the children. Edmund is the third oldest child, Edmund is a brat for now. Edmund is spiteful and mean, and likes to tease his sister, Lucy. Lucy is the youngest is cheerful and kind. This curious, happy-go-lucky girl is the first of the children to venture into Narnia. They went from their home in London to an old professor’s house which is also in London because of a war.


The White Witch had captured mr. Tumnus. Prediction (The White Witch will turn mr. Tumnus into stone.) Narnia is not safe anymore, the White Witch has spies almost everywhere including by the way the trees.


Also, the Witch bribed Edmund by making food and a drink for him, the food, and drink was magical, so whoever eats it, wants more of that food and drink. So Edmund told the Witch all about Lucy’s adventures in Narnia (not including mr. Tumnus’s name) that is how the Witch knows about the family of daughters of Eve, and Sons of Adam.


So that is why Narnia is in grave danger, the White Witch has to be stopped!

2 comments on “The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeAdd yours →

  1. Nice entry. The 2nd paragraph wasn’t that needed in my opinion though. I think it could’ve been in the first paragraph as background. I like the point you made. Could’ve done with some explanation. All in all, a pretty solid post! :<)

  2. I agree with Noy the second paragraph was not quite needed, but the first gave great background. Nice job.

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