It Is 2017, A New Year Brings New Books!

Hi everyone,

Happy new year! It is 2017, a new year brings new books!

Over the vacation I finished a great book!  It was called Save Me A Seat, by Sarah Weeks.  It was fantastic!  There were two story lines going on at the same time.  I personally like that, I like that because you can see different perspectives from different people about the same story.  It feels like you get an inside scoop on the book!  I also really loved this book because the characters were from different places in the world so you learned a lot of things about different cultures.

Save Me A Seat!

Sarah Weeks is one of my favorite authors.  I have read two other books by her, Pie and Honey.  I highly recommend both of them too.  I can not wait to read more of her books.  She is a terrific author and uses so many different writing techniques to hook her readers in. When you finish your next book you should definitely read Save Me A SeatPie, or Honey. Or be sure to put them on your list!

Leave a comment below if you have read the book, I would love to hear what you think!


  1. Hi Claudia, I just read Save Me A Seat and I thought it was an amazing book. What was your favorite part? I liked the end when Ravi put the double m&m in Joe’s bowl. It showed how much friendship had grown between the two boys.

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