Rube Goldberg Post #1

A Rube Goldberg machine is a complicated machine that does a simple task. My simple task is to make a ball on the pool table go into a hole. The Rube Goldberg machine has to have at least 8 steps. A step is a transfer of energy. For example, a marle hitting a car is a transfer of energy.

First, you have to sketch the machine out. To sketch the machine, I had to do some research to get an idea of what to draw. The main resource I used was YouTube. It was very helpful because I could see what the Rube Goldberg machine would look like. Sketching and designing were difficult because I had trouble incorporating what I saw. In the sketch, you had to explain each step in detail. You also had to draw your Rube Goldberg project. I incorporated a lever, a screw, and an inclined plane.

When I started testing, it didn’t work at all. Everything was not working the way I planned it to so I asked my parents for help and they helped a lot. Plus, I was running out of time and I wasn’t even close to finishing. Overall, the Rube Goldberg project is very stressful. 

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