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Capstone – a fun, yet stress full time

For the past two weeks or so, we have been working on Capstone in class. If you do not yet know what Capstone is, it is a big project that fifth graders in my school district take part in. A brief in site on it is that we pick a topic we would like to learn more about, study it and take a lot of notes, take what we have learned and put it on a tri-fold, and then present our awesome finished project to the school, as well as our parents.

For Capstone this year, I have decided to study (drum role please) Backyard Sports Cares. If you do not know what this is, it is an organization that help kids with disabilities and children from under privileged areas to play sports and have fun as an escape from their personal lives. 

A big part of the Capstone process is the research. In all honesty, it is fun, but it does get annoying once you get a lot of info. This is especially difficult for me because I have used all the resources possible, and now have to wait for my interview and cite visit. Oh yeah, another part of the research is an interview and cite visit. This is extremely important and also required.

Despite this however, it has been a lot of fun, and I am excited to see how my final project will turn out. For more information, click here!

(P.S. if you would like to check out mine, and my friends’ complete project, come to the Capstone Museum at Fox Meadow School on July 8th from 5:00-6:30.)

Human Right’s PSA

Hi guys! For the past month or so we have been working on Public service announcements, otherwise known as PSA’s in class. A lot of preparation was involved-especially research. It payed off though because my group ended up with an awesome one.

click here to see mine and my other classmates finished products.

A snowday poem

Many people including myself have been anticipating snow day’s. So, in hopes that we will get one, I wrote a poem about a snow man.

There are many snowman both big and fat                                                                                                                                                               they stand so tall with their mittens and scarfs                                                                                                                                                      and of course you can not forget their carrot nose and tall top hat                                                                                                                   but sadly, the sun will soon come out                                                                                                                                                                       and we will have to watch these snowman simply melt about

-By me, Emily (ha, that rhymed to!)

Human Rights

Human Rights follow us around no matter where we go. Many people take these Rights for granted, and don’t really think about what they truly are. Every step, word we write, and person we love are effected by these rights.

There are 30 Human Rights. Some more broad than others, but all equally important. Some of these rights may even seem silly to us, but to others, they give them opportunity, safety, and freedom.

These Rights are incredibly important. If you would like more info,  click here.

Hut, Hut, Type!

As some may know, I LOVE playing all different types of sports. Some however, stand out more then others. Soccer, basketball, gymnastics, and most of all…(drum role, please)… FOOTBALL! My favorite part is proving to kids, that girls can do anything guys can do. Besides that, I enjoy playing wide receiver and quarter back, the best part is when you receive a pass, juke the defense, and score an awesome touchdown.(Especially when you get to do a really awkward touchdown dance:)) That’s it for now… adios!

HI! It’s me!

Hi! I’m Emily. I love basketball, football, soccer, and baking. If you couldn’t tell, I love sports. When it comes down to it, lets be real, the obvious choice for sports teams is the New York Knicks, the New York Jets, and the Michigan Wolverines. As I mentioned, I also really enjoy baking. A few of my favorite things to bake are cakes,(their fun to decorate), cookies, and cinnamon buns. Here is one of my favorite recipes for cinnamon rolls.

I’ve just started blogging and am exited to post more. Bye for now!!!

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