El mercado desafio – Spanish

1: ¿Qué quieres comprar de la carnicería? quieres comprar carnicería 2: ¿Quieres comprar pasta fresca? quieres comprar pasta fresca 3: ¿Qué quieres comprar de la pescadería? Salmon 4: ¿Qué quieres comprar de la frutería? No quieres comprar frutería 5: ¿Qué quieres comprar de la pastelería? Una Tarta Cheesecake 6: ¿Cuánto es el total?   7: Read More…

Stop motion notes

Right now we are learning about stop motion videos and how to make them. Here are some tips to help you succeed in making a stop motion video: 1. Don’t shake the camera, just move the characters 2. Be patient 3. When you move the characters make slight movements 4. If you want a scene Read More…

Expert Lecture #4

This time Expert Lecture 4 came to our classroom. Mr. Feng came in to talk to us about his job. He is a chemical engineer. He taught us about how to get rid of trash around the world. For example is was telling that we still don’t know what to do with our trash. We Read More…

¿Qué quieres comprar de la pastelería? – Spanish

Persona ¿Qué quieres comprar de la pastelería? ¿Cuánto cuesta? Elliott Una Tarta cheesecake 27,00 Ronald Galletas 3,00 Una Una Tarta cheesecake 27,00 Kenneth Galletas 3,00 Jack Churros 9,00 Harley Churros 9,00 Nate Un Postre Limon 3,75 Taj Chocolate 5,00 Senol Johnson Una Tarta cheesecake 27,00 Chris Una Tarta cheesecake 27,00 Riley Churros 9,00 Skylar Churros Read More…

Expert lecture #2

The last expert lecture that came to my class was Olivia’s mom. She talked about the joy of giving. In her presentation she how other people did not have the resources we had. She also talked about the different charities at the end. At the end, she let us make our own charities and make Read More…