Rube Goldberg Reflection

The process of building the Rube Goldberg Machine has been both difficult and complicated and it requires a lot of concentration, collaboration and flexibility. All of this is worth it because the pride and splendid feeling you get when you look at your final project it so amazing (as so I’ve been told). Every fail in the machine is a learning experience. We take our time on each step to make sure it is working properly and correctly. Some stuff we experienced was how the ball kept from falling outside of the course. To prevent that from happening we decided to put cardboard on the sides of the course so they ball has no way to escape. But if it tries to, it would bounce off the cardboard and back onto the course. This showed us that if if we mess up, we just have to get right back to work and try different ideas until finally, one works. Nothing will stop the fearless engineers!


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Fails Can Be Great!

5th Grade Rocket Launch

Yesterday was the day we launched the rockets for the “first time”. It was really the second time but the first time nobodies rocket actually launched. We are so happy with our groups rocket! It went the highest out of the who class by far!! It was a huge success. Our group thought it was all because of the 3D printed nose cone and the amount of wings. We also got a wonderful day to be out for our launch! That was also very exciting. Well, we are just very happy because of the huge success yesterday and very proud!

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