I learned that writing a persuasive essay takes a longer time than I thought it did. It was difficult but it was fun. At first I did not likeĀ it. But then it got more fun. The technique I used was problem solution I picked a problem and then found a solution. The problem as you know was too many bikers at the skate park. The solution was to just have a big open area with no fences and ramps with a line on the floor for the bikers and other people to know where it started and ended. After watching my video, it felt kind of weird. There are some things I think I could have done better like looking at the camera more.I also could have stopped to pause at the periods and could have given more details and examples. I think I persuaded my audience and I hope that somebody will use my idea so bikers and skaters can have fun and not get hurt. They can also learn fun new tricks.