Martin Luther King J.R

In martin Luther KIngs life he did manny amazing things as in lead protests and gave manny amazing speeches one of his most famous is “I had a dream” this speech was about ending segregation and it had a huge impact on the world an example of his speech having an impact is then the civil rights act was passed and thats what Martin wanted. Also he pushed through a ton of threats and even his house got blew up but that did not stop him either. He was very determined and because of that he achieved his goal.


January 15 1929 Born
1956 Supreme court band segregated buses 
1956 threatening phone call late in the night
1957 Meats with vice president 
1961 Meats with president
1963 I had a dream speech    
1964 Civil Rights act
1964 Nobel peace prize
1965 Voting rights act
1968 Assassinated 


Only One You – a book response

I think this book is about being kind and not letting anything get in your way. Also I think that it’s about being a nonconformist and doing your own thing and not doing something just because everyone else is. This book reminds me of the book  Wonder because in Wonder Auggie does his own thing and in this book the Adri is a nonconformist. This book means to me do your own thing because someone could be doing something wrong and you don’t know so copied and did something wrong.

The best thing I ever ate

One day my dad told us that tonight we are going to a steakhouse me and my brother were so exited. The day  felt so much longer than usual but finally the day was over but than I had soccer practice the one time I was annoyed to play soccer. After soccer practice it was time to go to the steak house I was so excited to go so we got in the car  and left. The drive was pretty long but finally we got there. The steak was so good I had a lot . Then we had desert it was chocolate lava cake it was so good then we had to go.

Star girl

In the book stargirl a girl star girl stands out in a school that stands in and she sings to people on there birthday. she is nice and acts kind randomly. also she likes to do things that other people dont she does things like she is warm and nice also she sends gifts to everyones birthday.

Plants blog post #2

The controlled

Today we’re about three weeks into growing our plants. They’re huge and are controlled in a range of about 3-13 cm. On our controlled, cell two had a flower, cell one, cell four and cell three don’t have flowers.

The manipulated

For the manipulated, cell one had a flower, cell two had a flower, cell three and cell four were green and had no flowers. On our manipulated have a range of 3-13 cm. A lot of them had flowers on our controlled we had cell 2 has flowers and the rest don’t.


The manipulated had more flowers because we flooded them with water.



Plant Blog Post #1

Today is day 5 of planting our plants.  We have styrofoam quads,we put soil in the cells half way we put three fertilizer pellets, then we put more soil then made holes with our fingers and put seeds. Also we put wicks so they could reach the felt. The felt was in the water so it goes up the felt into the wick.  There was also the lamp light acting like the sun. Our scientific question is What is the effect of altering water to plant growth? My hypothesis is if we add too much water then it will most likely drown and die because the plant will not be able to breathe.

The first day we saw nothing not a speck of green the next day we saw a little bit of plants they were tiny like a weed. Day four we saw them they were pretty big it was so cool to see how it grows. Day six they were getting bigger they were giant by day seven. On day seven there were no flowers yet, but on our controlled for cell one we had a height of 11 and a half cm. For cell two we had 10 and a half cm. For cell 3 we had 9cm. For cell four we had 10 cm. For our manipulated we had a height of 6 cm. For cell 2 we got 8 cm. For cell 3 we got 9 cm. For cell four we got 7 and a half.

For our manipulative we put too much water, we flooded it. This was how we changed one variable. It was fun to see it. It looked like it was dying but I couldn’t tell if it was. The leaves were falling over a little so we had to put little wood steaks in it and little plastic clips and that worked well. So that’s what happened so far.