Today is day 5 of planting our plants. We have styrofoam quads,we put soil in the cells half way we put three fertilizer pellets, then we put more soil then made holes with our fingers and put seeds. Also we put wicks so they could reach the felt. The felt was in the water so it goes up the felt into the wick. There was also the lamp light acting like the sun. Our scientific question is What is the effect of altering water to plant growth? My hypothesis is if we add too much water then it will most likely drown and die because the plant will not be able to breathe.
The first day we saw nothing not a speck of green the next day we saw a little bit of plants they were tiny like a weed. Day four we saw them they were pretty big it was so cool to see how it grows. Day six they were getting bigger they were giant by day seven. On day seven there were no flowers yet, but on our controlled for cell one we had a height of 11 and a half cm. For cell two we had 10 and a half cm. For cell 3 we had 9cm. For cell four we had 10 cm. For our manipulated we had a height of 6 cm. For cell 2 we got 8 cm. For cell 3 we got 9 cm. For cell four we got 7 and a half.
For our manipulative we put too much water, we flooded it. This was how we changed one variable. It was fun to see it. It looked like it was dying but I couldn’t tell if it was. The leaves were falling over a little so we had to put little wood steaks in it and little plastic clips and that worked well. So that’s what happened so far.