Capstone Part 4: Site Visit

June 1, 2016 I feel like my head is gonna POP with all the information in it! I just got back from my site visit and interview. I learned so much! So the other interviewee I was talking about before, (and if you don’t know who I’m talking about, I suggest you read Capstone Part 3: Interview) I […]

“Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”

Today my class started our fantasy unit! I started reading “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.” We could write about our book on a blog post, so I decided to do that. So anyway, the main characters so far are; Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Albus Dumbledore, Narcissa and Bellatrix Lestrange, and Severus Snape. Narcissa is […]