Post: no.5

Hello chaps,

Today we are working on our automatons and everything is going great! It’s a shame that tomorrow we are starting a different unit but I’m sure the next unit will be just as cool.

R.I.P. automatons

Post no.4

Hello humanity,

Today we watched a video about “Machines made to mimic humans.”  It was all about the history of automatons. My favorite design was a clock tower that had little people run around and ring bells.

Post no.3

Today we learned how to use an app called Vectornator – a drawing tool that you can upload to a laser cutter.  Mr. Calvert showed us how to make little parts for our automatons.  Tomorrow we might print the pieces!

Post: no.2

Hello everyone,

Today in Mr. Calverts class we looked at automatons.  Machines where you turn a crank that makes things move, like a flag spinning or a fake hand moving.  We saw a really cool video about these fancy, gigantic and complicated automatons, so cool!

Post no.1: the beginning of Tech!

Hello everyone,

In the third quarter I was put in tech class and it seems to be the coolest quarterly yet!  Today mr. Calvert taught us how to post and write in our blogs. He also taught us how to insert pictures.  I’m really excited to begin tech by just looking at the room – there are so many cool things to create with!