#10: Goodbye :(

This is my goodbye post. Within this year, I have learned many things in technology, such as cutting with a saw or a slice pen. I also learned many things such as wood and the properties an object have. Blogging was fun as well, but I mostly enjoyed the hands-on experience I did when cutting. The next time I post would most likely be next year, so bye! See you next time!

#9: Final Thoughts on Technology

Sadly, technology is over this year. Overall, this was a really fun year. I really enjoyed the project we did because I gained a lot of experience through that. Technology has been a really fun year, and I hope to continue it next year. I learned many things, and I hope that I remember these next year! Anyways, that’s it! Thank you for being a great teacher!

#8: Final Thoughts on the Project

Hi guys! Overall, this was a really fun project, since I generally think that making things is fun. I made a minor edit in between, which was changing the structure of the roof. Originally, I had made the roof a triangular shape, but then I realized that the triangles wouldn’t touch at the top, so I changed the top to flat. The hardest part of the project was definitely cutting, because I got the measurements slightly off. However, the easiest part was definitely gluing, because I had plenty of time. Lastly, if I could do this again, I would work on my cutting skills more. That’s it! See you next time!

#7: Recycling

Hi! Did you know that the things in your recycling bin are actually valuable resources? They will soon take an adventure known as the cycling process. Plastic can change entirely. For example, a plastic water bottle may become another water bottle, or something entirely different such as a pair of pants. In the plastic factory, known as the MRF, the trucks tip over the plastic they carry, and drive away. It is put into a conveyor belt where workers inspect the plastic, and if something is not supposed to be there, than it is put somewhere else. They go through a series of spinning discs, which store the cardboard someplace else. They then go through a bottle breaker, which obviously, breaks bottles and glass, where they are put into a special conveyor. When the fibers are on the conveyor, the workers take out anything not plastic. Metal objects are sucked up by a magnet, where they are dragged into another place. Lastly, they are turned into giant boxes that are heavy. Anyways, that’s it! Have a good day!

#6: How Bells Are Made

Hi! Today I am going to talk about the physical properties of bells 🔔. There are two main types of bells: regular bells, and cowbells. I am going to be talking about regular bells.

First of all, bells have high tensile and compressive strength. This is because they cannot be pulled apart easily. They also cannot be crushed very easily. Bells have relatively good malleability because they would last some time before a hammer would crush it. Bells, are obviously sonorous, because they make sounds when struck.

And that’s it today! Thanks for taking your time to read this, and have a good day!

5: Glues and Adhesives

Hi! Today I want to talk about glues and adhesives. You probably know what glues are. Adhesion is the attraction between molecules of a different substance. There is also cohesion, which is the attraction between molecules of the same substance. One type of adhesion is called chemical adhesion. This happens all the time in nature, but its hard to engineer at one’s leisure. This is because only certain chemicals can bond with each other.

The most common type of glue is white craft glue, which is basically the glue kids use in school. This type of glue is most useful on things such as paper or cardboard. Then there is yellow wood glue. This is mainly used on wood. Next, there is superglue. This is basically a glue that bonds very quickly, and solidifies fast. Finally, there is hot glue. Hot glue is great at filling gaps, and can be used on both porous and non-porous types of objects.

Well, that’s it! Glues and adhesives really are pretty interesting. Thanks for looking! Have a good day everyone!

#4: Project – Continued

For the past week, we have been working on our projects on a website known as tinkercad. It allows you to see your project in a 3D form. Here is a picture of mine:

It is just a regular house, but I colored the sides of it differently. I am both excited and nervous to actually start this project, but I hope I will do well! We might start this after Christmas break, so I want to do well on it. Have a good day everyone!

3#: Project!

Hi! We have do to a project in technology class. For my project, I chose to do a house. It looks very ordinary, like an everyday house. It has a rectangular body and 4 triangles on top for the roof. Here is what it looks like:

My plan is to use 3 planks of wood. The wood is 3 inches tall and 36 inches wide. The measurements are on the image. I am planning to use the rabbet joint to connect the joints better. I am nervous and excited for this project, and I hope it will turn out well!

2. Technology Post

Hi! Today I’m supposed to talk about anything related to technology. I will talk about my experiences with technology in the past. To begin with, I have done many posts last year about technology. We did many activities in 6th grade, such as making the flashlight. However, when I was little, I enjoyed playing with legos. I always found building them interesting, and they turned out to be very cool things. However, technology in school is harder than legos. I am excited about what we will do this year in technology. That’s it, and have a great day!

1. Wood

Hi! It’s been a year since I last posted, but now I am in 7th grade technology! In this post I’ll be talking about the videos about the lumber industry.

In the first video, it is described that the men have dangerous jobs to do, and they take pride in their work. The oldest trees in California are the redwoods, which live to be up to 2000 years old!

In the second video, it is considerably easier than he first one. The first one took place in 1947, while the second one took place in the present. Before, people did not have machines, so they had to do it by themselves.

Lastly, the third video basically shows what happens after the wood is collected. It goes through the interesting process of what goes on in the lumber industry.

Thank you, and have a good day!


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