Capstone Post #2

Hi, welcome back to another blog post! This is the second part of my capstone project, a school research project. If you haven’t read my first capstone blog post, you should read that now. I hope you enjoy it! Make sure to be ready for my 2 following blog posts.

Currently, I am done researching and have completed an interview. I will have 1-3 more interviews, likely 2 or 3 included the one that I have done. I got a lot of good information from my interviews as I learned entirely new things, & learned new things about a topic that I already knew about. I am in the middle of writing my script for the Ted talk that I will present. Getting and conducting m interview was much easier than I expected. I thought it would be very hard when it actually is pretty straightforward. I am thinking that the hardest part will probably be presenting the actual Ted talk and memorizing it because mine will probably be at least 5 minutes. Finding who I was going to interview, or 5-6 potential people took about 5 hours. Writing the questions took about 1 hour for 4 interviews. About 15 minutes for each one. I had 15 questions for each person. Here are some of the questions I sent to somebody who works in hydroelectricity:

1.     What are some of the pros and cons of hydroelectric energy/other renewable sources?

2.     Are there any recent technological advances in hydroelectricity?

3.     How does the cost of hydro energy compare to natural gas, solar, and wind energy?  

4.     How does storage of hydroelectricity work?

5.     Why is the growth of hydroelectricity slowing down? Are there any new dams/hydroelectricity power plants being built in the U.S.?

6.     What are some things we can do to increase the use of hydroelectricity?

7.     What are some of the biggest challenges in increasing renewable & hydro energy in the U.S?

8.     Are there any significant negative impacts of building hydroelectricity plants?

9.     Is there anything else that you think I should know about hydroelectricity/renewable energy?

10.   Is it possible for me to come for a site visit to see how the process works and what it entails?

Conducting the interview was fun, I did mine on zoom. I took notes while he was saying the answers to my question. His answers were very good and detailed so it was very easy to incorporate into my presentation. It was frustrating because, for some people, it took a long time for the interviewees to respond. Also, sometimes g-mail sent me an email back giving a warning so it didn’t go through. I also have to figure something out because I have two responses for the same time! It shouldn’t be too hard to figure out though.

Overall, I enjoyed the process of conducting my interview as it was very useful. Stay tuned for my following blog posts. My last and most exciting post will be before the end of June.

Capstone Post #1

Welcome back to another blog post! Today I will be telling you about my capstone project, this is my 1st blog post and eventually, I will have 3. For my capstone project, I will research a topic (I chose Renewable Energy) and will answer my question (How can we increase the amount of renewable energy used in America?) by doing research and interviewing people. I will then make a slideshow with pictures and memorize a script and will rehearse my presentation near the end of the school year.

My topic is Renewable energy and I chose it because I was very interested in renewable energy as I have studied global warming before. Renewable energy is what we can use to prevent or slow global warming from having big effects on the earth, (bad ones). I really wanted to learn more about renewable energy and thought it would be really fun to teach people about it.

I was having a little bit of trouble coming up with my main question that I was going to answer. None of the ideas were really good, and something I had to do a lot of research about. Then I started thinking of how we can use more renewable energy. After doing some pre-search, I knew that a lot of countries used a lot of renewable energy but not America, so my main question ended up being, ‘ how can we increase the amount of renewable energy that we use in America?’ I think this is a very good question because I will teach people a lot, and learn a lot. I also think it is a good overall question.

The process of coming up with my sub-questions, was not fun, even though I didn’t really spend a lot of time coming up with them. My main question wasn’t a big question so it was a little hard to come up with even smaller questions. Some of my sub-questions include the following: Why is it important to use more renewable energy? 

What are some other countries doing to use more renewable energy and how can we use that to use more renewable energy? 

What are some pros and cons of using certain types of renewable energy? 

How does the cost of renewable energy compare to other forms of energy?

I’m very excited and a little nervous about my capstone project! I hope you enjoyed my blog post and stay tuned for my 2nd and 3rd blog posts!


Welcome back to another blog post! Today I will be sharing the experience of interviewing my dad for a school immigration project. I had a great time interviewing my dad, writing a script, and making a short video on adobe creative cloud express, (I know, it’s a long name). The first step of this long process was brainstorming 10-15 really good/open-ended questions, (I brainstormed 15). I thought I had some really good questions that would get a lot of information from the interviewee and would explain a lot about their journey/life coming to America. My questions got A LOT of information so when I make my video explaining his life, I won’t be able to share all the little details and will kind of have to summarize what he is saying; but I will get in as much as I can. Here are 2 of my Questions and Answers:

  1. What were some push factors from India, and Pull factors to America, and how would/did they affect you?

Some of the push factors from India were that they were limited opportunities, and they were not to my liking. He was also trying to design India’s first composite wastewater treatment plant, but because it was expensive, they weren’t willing to build it. Some pull factors were that there were many opportunities, and there were more jobs.

9. When you first got here, what were some of your jobs, how did you get them, and how long did they take; did you have any money problems when you arrived?

At the time, 1 USD was equal to about 55 Rupees, about 77 now. It had a much weaker purchasing power. He didn’t have money for college and had to be careful because all he had budgeted was half of his 1st semester. He paid by getting part-time jobs, a presidential scholarship, was a teaching assistant in his second semester, and continued this through his 3rd and 4th semester.


Here is one of my individual slides from the script without the questions:

Most of his struggles were financial issues and he had to ration his food and money. (3-4 seconds) He overcame them by getting scholarships, being an assistant in graduate school, and by getting a summer internship. (5.3 seconds)


I learned a lot about my dad and I also learned the things like how to conduct an interview. I also learned a lot about important lessons in life during my dad’s interview. The first step of my process was interviewing my dad, which didn’t take a long time and was probably the easiest part of the process. The next step was writing a narrative and script (basically planning out my video.) This part didn’t help me at all. The next and final part of the process was making the video and narrating it. This took a while but wasn’t as hard as I thought it was.


Overall, I learned a lot interviewing my dad and had a great time interviewing/making a video, and think it was a great learning experience. Stay tuned for another blog post. Here is my final video. I hope you enjoy it because I spent a lot of time making this video.

Refugee By Alan Gratz Q&A

Welcome to another blog post! This blog post will answer 2 questions that are from Refugee By Alan Gratz. My class is currently reading his book and I would recommend this book for 4th-6th graders because it talks about tough times. It can be read at any age Some 0f the main characters die as they are going through really tough and scary times. Still, it is an excellent book, teaching a lesson that not everything is fantasy, and it wakes people up and shows people what is currently happening like problems in Ukraine. Many people (refugees) are fleeing Ukraine because they are under attack.

Question 1: Why did Hitler hate Jews?

Based on what I know about WWII, I think Adolf Hitler hated Jewish people because of Germany’s depression. A little bit before world war 2, Germany was suffering from a depression that was causing widespread unemployment, starvation, and misery. Hitler didn’t want himself and his government to look weak so he needed someone to blame for his people’s great despair. As a result, he indoctrinated his citizens into believing that Jewish people were horrible and caused their depression. This shows that Hitler wanted someone to blame so he blamed everybody that is Jewish, and when he got power, he abused it.


Question 2: Is the boat going to work?

I predict that the boat is going to work. However, it will not be a good boat and will be small like a raft. It probably won’t be too safe either as they may be prone to get bitten by something like a shark. So far, everything the refugees think is going to help them ends up being bad. As a result, I think there may be several injuries. Finally, it also kept getting delayed, so why trust them now? This shows that based on everything that happened, you can’t trust somebody that you don’t know well. There may be something good (the boat working) but there is always a catch. Because of this, there will probably not be a big boat.

Constitution Project

Hi, welcome back to another blog post! Today I am going to be telling you about my constitution project, where I had to pick a research question, write a script, and then make it into a slideshow. I had an extremely good time making this project, and want to make similar projects in the future! My research question is why did it take so long for the government to abolish slavery. I was interested in this topic because I wanted to learn what would happen if the government abolished slavery earlier, and why it was the 13th amendment. I have also been interested in this topic for a long time. The purpose of this project was for us to learn about a specific topic related to our constitution unit: which is what we are studying in Social Studies.  

After I brainstormed a few research questions, I thought that my 3rd one was the best which is: why did it take so long to abolish slavery? After this, I had to research this topic.  Some resources I used were Liberty Kids, Brainpop, and Ducksters. When I had to research my brain when straight to Liberty Kids because I have already learned a lot from it. I found episode 140 very helpful as it gave very important details, which helped me make my script, leading to my slides. Not to my surprise, I got over ¾ of my research from Liberty Kids. It wasn’t about a common topic so it took a while to research and was pretty hard to get so much.

Making my script was probably the easiest part of the process because all I needed to do was to copy my script, and time it right. I also had to find different research: because some research was the same as the other, and I needed a lot. It annoyed me because I had these little errors, or needed a little more research. Timing may have taken a bit of time, but overall it was pretty easy and fun. 

However, the next step, making a slideshow and finding pictures was not so fun. At first, it seemed easy because I was copying the script to the slideshow. Then, I had to add pictures. It was super difficult to find the pictures I needed because they needed to be good pictures, of a specific topic. Also, I couldn’t take pictures that were copyrighted so there was less of a variety that I could choose from. 

The second to last step was to practice advancing the slides while saying the script. For this step, I found a lot of errors, fixed my timing, and kept practicing. After doing this a lot, I barely messed up. During this time period, I practiced a lot and changed some slides: to make them the best that they could be. This helped me: because the next step was to record my final project. 

After about 15-20 attempts, I had 4 that I really liked. I found it super annoying to keep repeating the same thing, over and over again: even if I slightly messed up. If somebody in my family accidentally said something or asked me a question, I would have to start over. After my brother helped me pick my best recording, I edited it so there was no access part at the end.  I did the recording over a span of 2 days because it was too much to handle at once. I had a great time doing this project and learned a lot from it.

I think the most challenging part of this was researching, but the most annoying part was probably recording it. I think the most challenging part was researching because I had a tough topic to research and I needed a lot, that was good, and was related but not repetitive. It was also a bit interesting learning about my topic, getting my questions answered, and finding information. I probably enjoyed the part after I finished recording the most because I was pretty proud of what the final result was, and it felt good to get the whole project over with: even though the process was really fun. I also enjoyed researching, because I got to learn a lot of new facts. One new fact that I learned one reason that slavery was abolished so late is the southern states wouldn’t agree to the constitution if the northern states abolished slavery so the northern states had to wait to abolish slavery. They would rather wait to abolish slavery than to watch their country suffer under the Articles of Confederation.

In conclusion, I had a great time in the process of making this project. I had some ups and downs, and I got frustrated sometimes: but I learned from my mistakes and had a great time. I was very proud of how quickly I made the project, and I learned a lot more than I expected. I am very excited to do more posts like these: and stay tuned for more blog posts!

Here’s the link to my final project!



I think the most important right for a citizen to have is the 10th amendment which reserves you the power to do any of the other amendments which are not reserved to the country or prohibited to states. I think it is important because if it wasn’t there, you wouldn’t have any rights or restrictions and everybody would be able to do whatever they want, it would be legal to shoot somebody or drop a nuclear bomb. For a student, I think the 1st amendment is the most important because it gives you the right to speech, press, assembly, religion, and petition. Without this, we wouldn’t be able to gather, speak, and do many other things, which wouldn’t allow us to learn or change the future world! It is also important for religion because it allows people of color to go to school.


I think all citizens should have the same rights, otherwise, it would be unfair to many people. If people of color didn’t have the same rights they do today, the world would not be the same as it is today. Also, it would not be good if some citizens overpowered other citizens and cause a revolution. There would also be many more protests, and people would become angry, and they will become violent protests. I think the second amendment should be limited, because nobody needs automatic guns, what’s the point of having guns. Back then guns were used for many different things unlike now, where people normally use guns for bad things, I don’t get why anybody needs automatic guns. People should only be able to have normal guns, which are not automatic and are used for hunting. Only the army should be allowed to use automatic guns.


Sometimes, people and the government change our rights and tell us what we can and can’t do. This is very unfair and people shouldn’t be able to do this because it is limiting our rights which are invading our rights. 

“Stronger” by Janelle Monae

Here is the link to Stronger.

In this post, I will be sharing my thoughts and opinions about “Stronger” by Janelle Monae.

To me, this song means that the “we” in We the People is starting to include everybody and is growing stronger. “We” used to tell white wealthy land-owning men, but now it is beginning to mean Women, and people of all colors, and their voice is starting to get stronger and to stand out. An example is a part which states “Most of my friends want a little peace. Some of my friends want a little solace. Even when we struggle and we get kicked down. We pick each other up with a little polish. All of my friends want a legacy. Don’t wanna be left out. Every time you think we get a little weak. We get a little bit stronger” This shows that people are starting to help each other, where it states, “Even when we struggle and we get kicked down. We pick each other up with a little polish.” Proof that people don’t want to be left out and they are growing stronger is when it states, “Most of my friends want a little peace. Some of my friends want a little solace.” and “Every time you think we get a little weak. We get a little bit stronger.”


The song makes me feel like everybody is starting to be included, which makes me pretty happy, and want to stand up for other people. It energizes me so I can help the people who are starting to be included but are not yet included. It also makes me feel good when the song states “Every time you think we get a little weak. We get a little bit stronger.” The artist may be saying that WE are starting to get included and WE are getting stronger. The lyrics relate to the study of the government because only white, wealthy, land-owning men were part of we, but now WE are so many more people and is a lot stronger than it was before. This is what the song is about and it was explaining how it was important, and how other people felt because of this. I have no questions about the song because Janelle Monae did a great job expressing and delivering her message.




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