Passion/Compassion Project – 3rd Week


Who will you reach out to?

I will reach out to my friend Ben to teach him how to do algebra and if I need help I with ask my mom.

What resources will you use?

I will use Kahn academy and learn from that how to do it and then i will try to teach others how to do it.

How will you get it done?

I will watch the Kahn academy videos and ask my parents if I need help.

Passion/Compassion Project – 2nd Week


What will you learn, make, or do?

Why do you want to learn, make, or do this?

How will you learn, make, or do this?

What will success look like to you?


I will learn how to do basic algebra and after that I will learn how to teach others how to do basic algebra.

I want to learn how to do basic algebra because I will know how to do it before some of my classmates and I can help them if they are struggling.

I will learn this by looking at videos in Kahn Academy and learn from that then try to teach my friends who don’t know how to do it.

Success to me will look like I know how to do basic algebra and I am able to teach most people how to do it.

Capstone – Blog Post 3

Link to my essay: Here

The essay portion of my Capstone took a long time to complete. I had to think of what to write. As I wrote I thought of new changes that made my essay better. Also, my friends helped by adding comments to my google doc. Sometimes I listened to their comments and sometimes I decided I liked the essay just the way it was. The more I worked on it, the better my essay became. The wording of what I wanted to say became better by eliminating and adding words. When I thought I was done writing my essay, my teacher helped by rewording my essay to make it sound even better.

To get ready for my final presentation, I tried to memorize my script to prepare for what I was going to say for each slide. I also made flashcards in case I messed up. I was initially going to do an Ignite but towards the end I switched to a TED talk. With a TED talk, I could auto advance the slides myself instead of them auto advancing every 15 seconds. Another reason I switched was so I could have as many slides as I wanted instead of just 12 slides. My final reason is because now I don’t have to say everything in 3 minutes. Now I have 3 – 5 minutes to present my information.

My final presentation

Capstone – Blog Post 2

For capstone I chose an interesting subject, robotic Orthopedic surgery. I chose this because my uncle is an Orthopedic surgeon so I would already have someone I could interview. My uncle and I chose a time to conduct the interview. He suggested May, 4th at 8:30 p.m. I accepted this time but 15 minutes prior to the interview I pushed it back 15 minutes. I think that I was lucky that I interviewed my uncle because I didn’t have to introduce myself. My uncle had tons of great information. He kept on giving more and more information. I didn’t write down the information during the interview because I recorded it. I did this in order to not miss any information. Another reason I did that is because he talked so quickly. I couldn’t type that fast. I also didn’t want to tell him to pause, in case he would forget some information.

This is a link to the questions I asked and their answers.

I purposely made some closed ended questions because I had a plan for follow up questions. Whenever he would answer the question he always answer why. For some questions they were opinions questions. I would ask a question then depending on his answer I would ask a different follow up question. Somehow he would always know what the follow up question was. I think this was another way he was able to say a lot of information.

Some things  I learned from the interview was you need multiple people to help during the surgery. All those people’s jobs are really important. I also learned that a robot can not put the patient to sleep with a gas mask or anesthesia. You need a person in the room to do it. I also learned a fact that blew my mind. My uncle told me that he does around 100 robotic surgeries per year and does robotic surgery 20% of the time. This means that he does 100 robotic surgeries and 400 traditional surgeries per year. This is the same as 500 surgeries per year!

My uncle helped me a lot and I learned so much, just from listening to him. I made 21 awesome questions, but I only ended up asking him about 15 of them. This is because there is the 15 question limit per interview. I also learned that the Orthopedic robots are used for checking traditional surgery.

I conducted my interview early and learned so much. Some of the answers I probably would not have found in my research. My uncle said that these were good questions and that I knew a good amount on this topic. I feel good about this topic and believe  I will be able to do well in capstone. He gave me so much information it would take half a hour to say it all. I thanked him at the end. He said that if I wanted to ask him anything else or wanted another interview with him to get more information to just text him. He said he would either answer on the text or we will set up another time to interview. Then we logged off and I felt great. I felt like I was ahead of schedule. The interview took around 45 minutes to complete. I was glad I did the interview so early.

Rube Goldberg – Blog Post Two

In my Rube Goldberg, I made it in 54 attempts!!!! I worked really hard on it. I spent probably 4 hours planning my project sketch and building my project. My experience designing a Rube Goldberg machine was great. I learned a very complicated way to open a door and to try and try and you will succeed. My experience making the video for my Rube Goldberg was fun because I did it quick. In overall, this project was a lot of fun.

Below is my Rube Goldberg video.

Capstone – Blog Post 1

At the end of 5th grade we have a major project called capstone. It is the last major project we do before going to middle school. We have to choose a topic and then do research on that topic and interview an expert on that topic. For my topic I originally chose Orthopedic surgery because it seemed interesting. Another reason is because my uncle is an Orthopedic surgeon. I knew I wanted to interview him. For the capstone project you have to gather information about that topic and present it to people. Due to Covid restrictions multiple things have changed. One of them is our classmates parents and our parents can’t come into class and see what we did.


After you have to choose a main inquiry question and sub questions that help you answer the main inquiry question. For my main inquiry question I put “How has AI (Artificial Intelligence) and robotics improved orthopedic surgery?” and my sub questions are “How have robotic Orthopedic surgeons either caused more or prevented more injuries during surgery? How does an AI learn to do Orthopedic surgery and how do people program them? How much money do you need to make an orthopedic surgeon robot and how long does it take? How have robots and AI changed orthopedic surgery? How has an Orthopedic surgeon robot changed the materials Orthopedic surgeons use?” I spent time choosing what questions to put and I thought they could help answer my main inquiry question.

Rube Goldberg – Blog Post One

I have done my sketch and made it in real life and it worked. I just need to upload it to my drive then upload it again to Wevideo. I originally made it so you tip over books to hit books and when the last one falls down it is connected to a string which pulls a magnet tile (magnetic building piece). The magnet tile is holding a wind up car back so the magnet tile would move letting the wind up car hit a pool ball that falls pulling another magnet tile to the ground that releases a marble that goes down a bridge made of popsicle sticks.  The marble hit dominoes that fall hitting one magnet tile off the table that pulls another magnet tile that releases a hex bug that goes down a track hitting dominoes that hit another magnet tile that pulls another magnet tile to the ground. When the magnet tile is falling it hits dominoes that hit magnet tiles that hit a pool ball that is attached to five other pool balls. When the pool ball falls pulling the other pool balls they open a door because the pool balls are attached to the door. I changed it to pulling over a book to pull a magnet tile. The magnet tile is holding a wind up car back so the magnet tile would move letting the wind up car hit a pool ball that falls pulling another magnet tile to the ground that releases a marble that goes down a bridge made of popsicle sticks.  The marble hit dominoes that fall hitting a magnet tile into a marble maze but there is a marble in front of the magnet tiles so when the magnet tile falls the marble goes into the marble maze that goes down a track hitting dominoes that hit another magnet tile that pulls another magnet tile to the ground. When the magnet tile is falling it hits dominoes that hit magnet tiles that hit a pool ball that is attached to five other pool balls. When the pool ball falls pulling the other pool balls they open the door. This took 54 tries!!!!

Reflecting on Creating My Immigrant Interview WeVideo – Jaiden

I worked hard on my Wevideo on my grandma, Dipika Doctor. I asked her many questions and got every last bit of detail out. When I started the video phase I had to keep on remaking the script because there was always a loud noise interrupting the script. I worked hard to put the script in order and add photos as well as a sound. I like my final result.


My Wevideo