My Capstone Interview Blog#2


The purpose of the interview is to ask your interviewee questions about your topic that they need to know a lot about.  I interviewed my older sister, Dominique, who is a successful coder. Since I was interviewing my sister,  I felt very comfortable and at ease asking her questions.

Since my sister was a coder and I had easy access to her, I thought she was a good person to interview. I called my sister to ask if I could interview her for my capstone project . Dominique said yes to being interviewed and we set up a zoom call for me to interview her. Thought that she was going to be good because Dominique knows how to code.

I first worked on making a list of questions while in LRC and finished my list when I came home. I wrote the questions down in a google document and took a picture of the questions to send to Dominique so she could be prepared for the interview. 

When it was time to zoom with my sister, I was prepared and had my questions on my screen. I used my Chromebook  for the interview but it was very glitchy. After hearing some of the questions, I realized that I needed to rewrite some questions because some of them didn’t really make sense. Next, I rewrote the questions and asked Dominique my new questions. I should make sure that my questions were completed to show to my sister before the interview.

I learned that there are different types of coding. I also learned that you have to take special classes to learn about coding.