Why the Electoral College Should be Changed

Why the Electoral College should be changed? One reasons that without it it would be a lot easier to know who is the president of the United States sooner after the election. Another reason is that it makes so much sense because it could be that one candidate could win the popular vote but the other candidate would win the Electoral College. Without it it would be more fair.

I Hope That Joe Biden Wins 2020’s Election

Why I hope that Joe Biden wins this election is because I just wouldn’t like Donald Trump to win, and also Biden is smarter and will make better decisions. One example is that Trump never really focused on the Corona virus, even after he had Covid he said it was just like the flu and he didn’t care who got Covid. He didn’t even protect himself. He doesn’t believe in wearing masks, and said that doctors get paid more when coronavirus patients die. Trump also really focuses on himself most of the time and we need someone that can actually do something good for this country. Biden on the other hand wants to help cure Covid and he is very conscious about the virus. Biden also doesn’t only care about himself he also cares about bringing the country together, unlike Trump.