second blog post

For the past 2 weeks my class planted plants. A Controlled and a Manipulated plant. On may 3, the soil smelled like dog poop and the seed was growing a sprout.


On may 4, there was a green sprout and the plant was a half in inch tall.


On may 8,the plant was 3 quarters of an inch tall. The sprout was light green and the soil was dark brown.


On may 9, it was the same thing as may 8.


On may 11, the soil was wet, there was a FOUR LEAF CLOVER, 25 leaves and 1 inch and 1 fourth tall.


On may 12, the plant was growing a flower, the leaves are so light and light green, also the plant  was 1 inch and a half tall.


On may 15, it was 2 inches tall and  it had a light purple stem, flowers started to grow and the plant had 40 leaves.


On may 16, the plant was 3 inches tall, the soil was wet and the flowers were blooming.


On may 17, the controlled plant was 4 inches and a half tall, the soil is wet and there are some little yellow flowers blooming in the middle of some leaves. Each square quad has a flower in it.


That was all the controlled plant,now you are going to learn about the manipulated plant.


On may 3,it smelled like donuts.

On may 4,it started growing a quarter of an inch tall.


On may 8, it still was a quarter of an inch tall,but it had 3 leaves and the soil was dry.


On may 9,the plant was growing a purple root and it was a half inch high.


On may 11,there were more purple roots,it was 3 quarters of an inch high and the soil was dry.


On may 12,the bottom of the leaves were getting green, the soil was dry and the plant was a half an inch, Which is weird because on may 11 the plant was taller than a half an inch.


On may 15, a quarter of an inch tall,a purple stem and 2 leaves.


On may 16,there were light yellow leaves, the soil was wet,it was a half an inch tall and it does not look so healthy.

On may 17,the plant was a half an inch tall,the soil was dry,it had 4 leaves, an orange sprout and it still does not look so healthy.


I wonder why these things happened? I think the sugar water made the plant have shortness in growth because it is not as tall as it is so post to be. These are the pictures of what the plants look like.

This is the control plant:


 This is the manipulated plant:


Plant Observations #1

In class we are doing a unit on plants.  My group and I  have a controlled  plant and a manipulated plant.

For our manipulated plant we are manipulated the water. In stand of just water we are doing sugar water.

My question is would the sugar water be better than regular water?

My hypothesis is that sugar water will make the plant thicker because sugar gives calories.

Our manipulated and control plant are both growing, up.

Did you know that our controlled plant  has 23 leaves in one square of the quad and that the color is kind of in the middle of light green and dark green

Our manipulated plant has a purple stem and the color is light green and it is one fourth tall and our control plant is three fourths tall.

I wonder why?

This is the controlled plant.

This is the manipulated plant.