Capstone #3 My process of answering my main inquiry question and final product

I bet that everyone reading this has seen the Statue of Liberty someway or another but do you know the history of it? Or how its symbolism has changed overtime? Well, my Capstone question is: “What is the history of the Statue of Liberty and how has its symbolism changed overtime?” After reading this, you will know just exactly that. Before talking about my final product I will be talking about the process of answering my main inquiry question.


The process of answering my main inquiry question was very long. The first thing that we did was figure out what our main inquiry question is, then we came up with sub questions to help us answer our main question. We then had an interview with a professional about our topic and they helped us answer our sub questions. After that we had to write an essay answering our main inquiry question.  Overall answering our main inquiry question only took four steps and wasn’t that hard.


When we were done answering our main question we got to choose whether we were going to do a ted talk, a movie, or an ignite. I personally chose a ted talk because I’ve never done one and I wanted to try something new. When I was working on my final product I tried to find the best quality pictures for my presentation so they would not be blurry. I also presented my presentation many many times in front of my parents and in front of my class. We then recorded it for it to be placed on YouTube. Then on the 15th of June we will have our final presentation in front of all of our parents.


Overall I think that Capstone has been in my top three favorite 5th grade projects although it’s also been the hardest. I think that Capstone is a great way to end elementary school. I’ve learned so much so far from Capstone such as being determined. I hope that you have loved Capstone as much as I did. To see my slideshow click this link


Capstone #2 The Interview

My Capstone process includes an interview and the purpose of it is to get other people to tell you about what they know about the topic. I felt really nervous about my interview because I thought they were going to be strict or mean or not get what i’m saying, but none of this ever happened. The aspect of this was really sketchy to me because I had to interview a random person. 


I was really stressed out on who to interview because I know nobody that knows alot about the Statue of Liberty. I went searching in articles, google, trying to find someone who knows about my topic. I went to Ms Edwards asking for help and she found the perfect article with someone that knows so much about the Statue of Liberty! His name is Edward Berenson. It was a pretty challenging process to me but to some people it wasn’t.


My interview definitely didn’t go quite as expected. Let me tell you why, I got into the zoom and my interview wasn’t there! I emailed him asking him if he wasn’t able to join and if he wanted to reschedule and 20 minutes later he responded saying he forgot. He was able to do it later that day and it was all good. The interview ended up going really well. One thing I learned was how the representation has changed overtime. 


My interview overall went really well and there was nothing that was way too bad about it! One thing I recommend to people with new interviews is not to be as nervous and scared as I was.


Regions Blog post

After working on these seven states, I’ve come to the conclusion that they are all much more interesting and fun than I thought! What are the regions you might ask? Well we got assigned a group and I got in a group with Ruki, Dila, Chloe G, and Myself, we then got our region that we would be working on and we got the northeast! We each researched two states while Ruki and Chloe G shared a second state. Once we were done researching all of our states, we started a slideshow.

After finishing this project I learned so much about the two states that I chose, which were New York and Connecticut! Some things I learned about the two states were the senators, the governors, famous food, colleges, who founded the state, when the state became a U.S. state, how it got its name, and more! I’ve also learned that it’s not that stressful to present. I thought that presenting would be really hard and stressful. Though it ended up being not that bad.

  I didn’t face many challenges doing this project but I still encountered one. The challenge was figuring out the wording of some of the things that I said were Giovanni da Verrazzano and Algonquian.


Afterall I loved the region’s project so much and I thought it was an amazing project. I hope that you had or will have an amazing experience with this project, just as I did!


Capstone #1 Getting started with Capstone

We started capstone about a week ago, and I never realized how hard it is to do the capstone! A capstone is a project where you get to choose a topic and research about it, do an interview, and then you get to do a ignite, a movie, a ted talk, etc…!


I chose the topic architecture at first, but I realized that there’s many different types of architecture. After realizing that, I thought of doing smart homes! I wasn’t interested in it and didn’t really want to do it. But then I thought of doing the Statue of Liberty! I chose the Statue of liberty because all the history of it was really fascinating and cool to me.  Another reason why I chose the Statue of Liberty is because there was lots of information about it, websites, books, and more.


Coming up with my main inquiry question was sort of hard. I knew I wanted to include history in my question. I needed to focus on more than the history though! I knew that the representation of the Statue of liberty has changed over the last one and a half centuries that it’s been here in america. I became interested in how it changed throughout that time, so I went with the question of “ what is the history of lady liberty and how has its symbolism changed over time!”


Coming up with sub questions was sort of easy, I wanted to know exactly why the French gave America the statue of liberty. I also wanted to know why Fredric Bartholdy made the statue of liberty, so I included these two questions as my sub questions and I also included three others as well such as why did the French give New York the statue of liberty.


So far the capstone has been fun but hard, but I’m looking forward to learning more about this topic. I hope the rest of the capstone is less hard, but i’m sure that it will be fun. 

Immigration Blog post


Around a month ago, Mrs Edwards told us that we were going to be doing a Immigration project. Right away I already knew who I was going to do, My Mom! I was doing it because she’s at home and she’s easy to reach. Over that, then we needed to come up with questions. I came up with 12 questions to ask my mom in my interview.


To prepare for the interview 

  • we had to know our questions
  • We had to have a notebook ( just  in case we wanted to write stuff down)
  • And lastly, we needed to have a recording device to have recording our interview

Something I considered when making my interview question was; when were you born? And why did you not do that you might ask? Because I already knew the answer to that, also something I was going to ask but had the problem was;  how did you understand English because you didn’t know how to speak it? But i already had the question; how did you manage not knowing the language


My process conducting the interview went really well. One thing  I did to make it go really  well was making sure I was calm, and not ready to laugh. Another thing that made my interview go really well was being ready to ask  follow up questions. For example, if one of the questions was “how did you make friends?” Then a follow up question could be “what were their names?” or “do you still know them?” Another thing I did that I think made my interview smoother is doing it in person. I did that for one reason. Because when you record it, it comes out more clear.


In conclusion I think that Immigration has been really fun and pretty easy. Immigration has been an amazing project to do, and overall probably my favorite project.

Constitution project

You might wonder why the Black Lives Matter Movement and riots sparked in early 2020. It sparked because of the death of Geoge Floyd and how, people had evidence of him being killed, and people having many different opinions.

On May 25, 2020, George Floyd was at the corner store getting cigarettes but he used a $20 counterfeit bill to buy them. A few minutes later some of the workers from the store came out to his car and confronted him and asked him to give back the cigarettes. When Floyd declined, they called the police. They stated that he was drunk and out of control But he wasn’t drunk nor was he out of control. The police officer pulled him to the police car and told him to get in. George Floyd fell down and refused to come in the police car. A few seconds later George Floyd was face flat on the ground. Police officer Derek Chouvin was kneeling on Floyd’s neck, choking him.  Floyd became unconscious and when the ambulances finally arrived he was pronounced dead.People who were witnessing the officers knee of George Floyd’s neck had been asking him to stop but he ignored the people which added to the outrage people felt.

During the next many days and months, people were rioting in the streets of Minneapolis. People rioted the streets saying, “ No justice, no peace,” but the police all ignored them. Some businesses, including restaurants and an auto-parts store, were set on fire. Police officers confronted the rioters using tear gas and firing rubber bullets into crowds. People had differing opinions about the police officers killing George Floyd by using unreasonable force but most people believe that he should have never been killed. This is another reason why people were rioting, because they believe that nobody should ever be killed because of a little thing like this and some people also think that the police officer was racist and killed him because he was black and that if he was white then Derek Chouvin wouldn’t have killed him and some people strongly believed that. 

In conclusion, this shows how these riots sparked because of George Floyd’s death and people reacting to it very differently. I hope that you now know why and how The Black Lives Matter Movement sparked in early 2020!

#2 Rube Goldberg Blogpost

 We started this project around three months ago and we are all just finishing our Rube Goldberg’s this week! It’s been a long three months doing this project but it’s all worth it once you see the finished project. A Rube Goldberg is a contraption that consists of at least eight steps and completes a simple thing. My Rube Goldberg task is to close my Chromebook.


My Rube Goldberg contraption was hard at most points but occasionally some parts were not as challenging as the rest. I came up with my task out of nowhere. My first idea was to pour water into a glass, but sooner or later I realized that I was wasting a lot of water. I put that task aside and looked for a new one, at this point I was really stuck because I didn’t know what to do. I came up with the idea to put a soccer ball into a goal! It seemed like the perfect task, it was easy, it did a simple task with no effort… but I came up with a better task. That task was the one I ended up doing! It consisted of the same steps as the soccer ball one but… it closed my Chromebook!


My process has been really challenging at some points and really fun at some points. The first boulder I ran into was coming up with what task to do, so I settled on closing my Chromebook. But that was nowhere near the worst part, the hardest thing was building my pulley, but then realizing that it didn’t work the way I wanted it to, so I had to make it again. Then I had to figure out a way to tape it to the ceiling so it wouldn’t fall with the heavy domino’s taped to it. Just this took THREE HOURS! After that I was finally able to try it out. It ended up being not too hard to get it perfect, it only took four tries including the final thing.


Overall the Rube Goldberg has been one of my favorite projects so far in fifth grade because it has been the most fun. My favorite part was making the We Video because it was fun and easy editing my final Rube Goldberg.  I hope that you have enjoyed or will enjoy your Rube Goldberg project as much as I did.


Here is my Rube Goldberg

Rube Goldburg

A couple weeks ago Ms. Edwards introduced us to Rube Goldberg, I knew what it was because my brother had done it before. It is a contraption to complete a simple tack that is at least 8 steps long.But I didn’t have any idea how hard it would be… 

The first thing that happened was that Mrs Edwards showed us videos of her prior students Rube Goldberg’s. After that I watched more videos that were linked so we could see them. One was to pour water into a glass, another one was the dinner feeder, and the last one was to capture a monster. They were really helpful because I got ideas of how I can start it,  and some steps that I would have never thought of doing. One video that I watched even included a fork!!

Second we thought of what task we were going to complete. I thought of closing a door but then I realized that I had no idea of how to do it. The second thing that i thought of was a soccer ball going into a goal, but i thought it was too basic. So I found out a different task to do, Closing my Chromebook! The second thing we did was sketch it out, I was SOOO stuck because I didn’t know how to do it. I found out how to start it and I went on from there. I later found out that I had one or two less steps than I was supposed to. I figured it out, made a solution and it worked out perfectly. 

That’s how far we have gotten so far, we have finished our sketches and some have started our contraption. It has been a very fun process so far and I hope it won’t get any harder than it already is. I hope that now you know my process of Rube Goldberg so far.

Feature Article Reflection

Feature Article Reflection



About a month ago, we started doing Feature Articles. The absolute first thing I thought was that this was going to be easy. Well… it’s not as easy as I expected. It was actually pretty hard. The first thing I thought about doing was WW2 because it’s my FAVORITE topic, but sadly it was too big of a topic, so I went and studied a certain bombing!


I had to come up with topics and I already knew a lot about Pearl Harbor knowing that my great grandfather was there during the time. BUT! I had to come up with exactly what to talk about. For example, one of the things I talk about is “Why it happened” or even “the U.S. Retaliation on Japan.” Deciding on sections to include was the only hard part of this process and doing which got me very stressed trying to come up with at least four or five things to write about. At some point I even thought about picking a different topic because I got really stuck and had no more information. But I ended up doing a little more research, and finding enough information then I was all good and didn’t need to pick a different topic. 


Picking the title and subtitle was not too hard. I came up with three of each and then we all did title surveys, so my classmates could vote for which title they liked most. My classmates ended up picking my favorite one too! It was “One of the Darkest Days in U.S. History.” with a subtitle of  “How the Pearl Harbor attack affected the U.S.”


I did my revising and editing. Then I had to move on to formating my slides. This was not too hard. I fit all my writing in the slides and did all my formatting. Then it was time for feedback, and more revising and editing. 

In our publishing party I found lots of comments saying how the pictures were cool but, ehh I personally don’t care about the pictures because they are not really that important to my story. I think this assignment made me a better writer and definitely better at formatting things. Overall, I loved this project so much and I hope you did or do too. I’m looking forward to many more projects just as fun as this one.

This is my Feature Article presentation!

Narrative reflection

I loved making the story “The Rockin’ Roller Coaster” but before i wrote this story, a lot of thought went through coming up with a narrative. At first I was going to write about a story that happened when I was very young and sooner or later I realized that I would not remember much but I realized that very soon into making my story and I came up with this story. My favorite thing about my story is this one big section   where there is a lot of dialogue. The start of it was me saying “AHHHHHH” and I think that it’s a dead giveaway that this means the ride is not going to go well. Revising and editing my story was the hardest part by adding “show not tell”  and adding punctuation but in the end I did okay with the show not telling and I think I added a good amount of show not tell.

A good narrative should include a good show not tell throughout the whole entire story and paragraphs. It should also include punctuation and remember to spell stuff correctly. In the end I think making a narrative is really fun, and engaging. I loved making my 5th grade narrative even after I went through some hard times coming up with action and trying to squeeze in some more dialogue. I got lots of motivation from my family and from mrs. Edwards and I thought this was very helpful because it kept me going. I think this is my favorite narrative I’ve ever made. I’ve learned a lot from this story and I’ve had a lot of trial and errors but I think my story turned out pretty well.Click this!