Technology week 9

For about two days, everyone in the class was finishing up their flashlight projects, and those who were done just either worked on their blogs, helped others, or did another thing or something. On wednesday, Mr.Calvert introduced us to automatas, or things that run by themselves, but the ones he showed us required you to use a lever of some sort. He also showed us many unique and interesting ways to make one, and I was interested in the topic. The switch I am going to make, is going to have a lever ,that when you rotate it, it will make a thing go up and down. The person I am going to have going up and down, is Big chungus, who is basically a really big rabbit, and I am going to have a really fun time making it. There are many steps that I would have to do to finish this, and I would have to do a lot of measuring and cutting to do it. I hope to start it very soon, because there isn’t much time left in the quarter, and I want to finish the project.

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