Rube Goldberg #6

After Matt and I finished our Rube Goldberg we started editing the videos. We had decided that we would just put the first and last videos of all 25 videos that had failed and worked. After a lot of editing we had finished the video and we had everything ready. The videos, soundtracks, and words Read More…

Rube Goldberg #5

On Saturday, Matt and I got together to film our Rube Goldberg. It had taken 24 times for our machine to work and the Rube Goldberg to finally be completed. In all of the tries Matt and I had a different way of reacting to it. When we finally succeeded, we were so happy that we Read More…

Rube Goldberg #4

On Saturday, Matt and I met to finish our Rube Goldberg machine. We were doing some different designs on our machine that made the building a little longer. The shoe hitting the ball was the hardest part because the ball wouldn’t hit the tablet. The ball kept on hitting the tablet the wrong way and Read More…

Rube Goldberg #2

Matt and I had got together to make our Rube Goldberg we finished our sketch and were ready to begin. We took so long to make up ideas with the things Matt had organized that we couldn’t really finish our machine. “At least we could finish our sketch,” I said to Matt because next time Read More…

Rube Goldberg #1

When Matt and I started, we almost didn’t know what to do. So we just went to Google Drawings and started doing our sketch. We did not do much that day and we did not have many ideas to make the sketch. But Matt had already planned everything for us in the next day so Read More…