How trees can be used

For short, there are infinite possibilities that wood can be used for. If not for harvesting lumber or paper it could be used to decrease pollution in areas where there is a lot of. If the trees in context are pine trees they could be sold in the winter. They could be used for fire and warmth. They could be used for design. There are literally countless possibilities fo what wood can be used for.

First post of Tech 7

For me building things are an expression of myself. When I do things I like to see what I can put into it top make it have more of a personal touch, if that makes any sense. For example, when I build legos I look at the finished product and I normally add or take out some pieces just to make it look more original. I used to build legos 24/7, until I ran out of room in my room to keep them. I think that’s building, somewhat like art, can be an expression of yourself, all you need to do is look inside.