Computer tech 5

A recent Level that I tried to do was a not logical operator. The moment  I knew that I got something right was when I started to use the is blocked button. Here is my progress and the image of when I finished my level. That was one of my hardest levels because at first I didn’t know what the is blocked button did at first.


Computer tech 4

The command session activity that I chose was  Finding and Fixing Bugs. Here are my steps, First move forward twice and make a left. Next Move forward three times and toggle the switch, finally move backward by turning left twice move forward and collect the gem. One thing that I had to fix was a bug. Another thing was that I didn’t know how to move backward to I had to teach myself.


Computer tech 3

The project I picked was Daniel Z’s music video. What I liked about his animation is that the singer was dancing and it looked almost real.What I liked about the music was that it was good.