Maile's Blog

Life does not need to be perfect to be beautiful


on June 20, 2017

There are many different octopuses in the world. one of them are called a coconut octopus. it’s coconut is it’s shell. like humans are mammals octopuses are cephalopods. cephalopods are  a type of mollusk. cephalopods is a Greek word that means “head foot”. octopuses are very intelligent . they are smart because of their nervous system. the cells in their nervous systems are called neurons. the more neurons the better. lobsters have 100.000 neurons. a jumping spider have 600,ooo and humans have 90 billion nuerons. if octopuses need to disguise themselves they can do it three different ways. they can change color. and they can disguise with posture and finally they can disguise by their texture.

One Response to “Octopuses”

  1. aamin26 says:

    Dear Maile,
    I think your article about the cocount octopus was very instering.
    Where did you find all of this astounding information?
    Also, I liked how you compared it to other animals, but how many neurons
    does the cocount octopus have?
    I was wondering how does it find its cocount and does it put it on the part of its head that’s
    slanting down, because then it would probably fall off and the octopus puts it over its eyes
    it won’t be able to see.
    Thank you for answering questions, and if you don’t answer them, it’s okay.


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