Capstone Blog #2. The Interview

Every 5th grader does a project called capstone at the end of the school year. You basically pick a topic that you are passionate about. My topic is Interior Design. Then, you think of a main inquiry question. Mine is How do interior designers plan home interiors to be more environmentally friendly and what different types of materials are available to them? Once you have thought of a main inquiry question, it is time to think of subquestions! You try to think of 7-8 questions. One you have generated those questions, You pick your top 5 favorites. Mine Were What Is The Process To Designing A House interior?, Do More Environmentally Products Cost More Than Normal Products?, How difficult is it To Find More Environmentally Friendly Products?, Are Customers More Likely To Ask For Environmentally Friendly Products Now?,  And What Makes An Environmentally Friendly Product Environmentally Friendly? Then it is time to get researching! While we are researching, we had to think of an interview as well.

Finding an interviewee wasn’t that hard. My mom happened to have a friend, who’s mom is an Interior designer. Carol Brewer is who I interviewed. We went back and forth on EMail figuring out a date and time to have the interview. The time and date we set on was May 10th At 8pm.

I had to start generating some question ideas for my interview. Since my main inquiry question was about Environmentally Friendly interior, I thought and generated some questions based on that.

On May 10th 7:55 it was time to have my interview! Carol gave me a lot of info that I probably would never have known!

After my interview I had to Transcribe my recording of the interview on zoom to a google document. This was as hard as I thought it would be.

In Conclusion, my interview had easy parts and hard parts. I would totally do this interview again!