Capstone Blog #2. The Interview

Every 5th grader does a project called capstone at the end of the school year. You basically pick a topic that you are passionate about. My topic is Interior Design. Then, you think of a main inquiry question. Mine is How do interior designers plan home interiors to be more environmentally friendly and what different types of materials are available to them? Once you have thought of a main inquiry question, it is time to think of subquestions! You try to think of 7-8 questions. One you have generated those questions, You pick your top 5 favorites. Mine Were What Is The Process To Designing A House interior?, Do More Environmentally Products Cost More Than Normal Products?, How difficult is it To Find More Environmentally Friendly Products?, Are Customers More Likely To Ask For Environmentally Friendly Products Now?,  And What Makes An Environmentally Friendly Product Environmentally Friendly? Then it is time to get researching! While we are researching, we had to think of an interview as well.

Finding an interviewee wasn’t that hard. My mom happened to have a friend, who’s mom is an Interior designer. Carol Brewer is who I interviewed. We went back and forth on EMail figuring out a date and time to have the interview. The time and date we set on was May 10th At 8pm.

I had to start generating some question ideas for my interview. Since my main inquiry question was about Environmentally Friendly interior, I thought and generated some questions based on that.

On May 10th 7:55 it was time to have my interview! Carol gave me a lot of info that I probably would never have known!

After my interview I had to Transcribe my recording of the interview on zoom to a google document. This was as hard as I thought it would be.

In Conclusion, my interview had easy parts and hard parts. I would totally do this interview again!

Rube Goldberg Blog Post #2 The Final Contraption

My Rube Goldberg project was really fun! Sometimes while I was setting up my Rube Goldberg the dominos would fall over or I would accidentally push a marble and it would set off the whole contraption. So I guess there were some bad times as well.

 I also liked this project because I got to edit a video! the reason I love editing things because It makes me feel creative!

If you don’t know what a Rube Goldberg is, let me tell you! A Rube Goldberg is many small simple machines, Such as dominos and marble runs. At the end of your rube goldberg is a simple task (Ex: mine turns on a light)

If I did do this project again, I would try to think of more steps for my Rube Goldberg because I had such a great experience with this project I would want to challenge myself next time by adding more steps.

Below Is My Final Rube Goldberg Video And My Final Sketch!

Capstone Blog Post #1

Every 5th grader does a project called capstone at the end of the school year. You basically pick a topic that you are a passionate about. My topic is Interior Design. Then, you think of a main inquiry question. Mine is How do interior designers plan home interiors to be more environmentally friendly and what different types of materials are available to them? Once you have thought of a main inquiry question, it is time to think of subquestions! You try to think of 7-8 questions. One you have generated those questions, You pick your top 5 favorites. Mine Were What Is The Process To Designing A House interior?, Do More Environmentally Products Cost More Than Normal Products?, How difficult is it To Find More Environmentally Friendly Products?, Are Customers More Likely To Ask For Environmentally Friendly Products Now?,  And What Makes An Environmentally Friendly Product Environmentally Friendly? Then it is time to get researching! Unfortunately we haven’t gone this far in the project yet. I can’t wait to continue the Capstone project!

Rube Goldberg Blog Post #1

The designing part of the Rube Goldberg project was exciting and challenging. The fun part was taking a interesting project and drawing out how it works! (I really like drawing.) On the other hand, it was  still challenging. The reason that it was challenging was finding a way to combine other parts of simple machines to work together. Another reason why this was fun is because drawing my steps made it easier to describe how my Rube Goldberg works. One key resource that I used was Joseph’s Machines On Youtube. I also used past videos of other 5th graders’ Rube Goldbergs to get inspiration.  I wouldn’t have incorporated some of the parts of my Rube Goldberg if I hadn’t used those resources. I knew I wanted to use dominos and a string somehow. I decided to start designing backwards, so I needed to figure out what my ending task was. I decided I wanted to flip the switch on a power strip to turn on anything I want. I knew it would be hard to find something that could flip the switch so I had to try out a few different ways at first. I tried hitting a domino onto the switch. That didn’t work. I found a metal marble that was heavy and also found a mess tube from an old toy set that just fit around the switch of the power strip. I tried having it roll down the tube but it didn’t have enough force, so I held the tube right above it and when it dropped down it had enough force to turn it on! Once I found a way to make it work, I started thinking of the other steps to build up to this point. My AH-HA moment was figuring out that some of the simple machines/parts of the Rube Goldberg could be things that were right around me! I can’t wait for the next steps of the Rube Goldberg project!

Below Is My Final Sketch:

Reflecting on Creating My Immigrant Interview WeVideo

I had so much with my interview and my WeVideo! What I really liked was transferring the answers to my interview questions to create a WeVideo.  I got to learn amazing things about immigration while having a great time!  This project really stood out to me was because it didn’t just feel as though I was interviewing someone, I felt like I was growing a connection with my interviewee.  I have known my interviewee for years, but I never truly knew his story.  After this project, I feel like a know him on a whole new level!  Overall this was a fun and very informative project that taught me how to take a lot of information and edit it in a short and interesting way. I just might do a WeVideo for Capstone! Thank you for my interviewee for letting me interview them!

Argument and Advocacy Debates

I had a really great time doing the Argument and Advocacy Debate because it was fun doing it in partnerships! It was also fun because their were so many things that I learned from this Project! Like that polar bear cages at zoos are 1 million times smaller than their normal habitat. Overall I had really, really fun time doing this project with my friends!

Constitution Project Post 3

I think that I did successfully answer the question that I researched which was “Why did the bill to lower the voting age fail?”because I found a lot of supporting evidence. Overall this was a REALLY REALLY fun project to work on because I definitely like long term projects like this one. I really enjoyed this project and I would totally do it again!