The Halloween Bully!

Billy is 3 years old. It is Billy’s first Halloween with his older brother named Tom and also with his Mom. They were just about to go outside until Tom pushed Billy on to the floor. “Stop!” Mom demanded. Billy’s first costume was a cardboard box. Billy really likes boxes.

They went outside and then Billy falls over! Tom Starts kicking the box! Billy says “Stop!” but Tom just ignores him and keeps kicking. He is not kicking that hard but Billy still did not like it. Mom says stop again so Tom kicks a little more and stops.

But Tom just leaves Billy on the floor! Billy thought Tom would help him up but no, he leaves him on the floor. Billy finally got up after a few minutes. But Tom and his Mom were so ahead he had to run as fast as he can to catch up them. Billy was really mad.

But it got worse Billy’s box had fallen off! Now Billy is running around like crazy! Tom is laughing quietly while he heads for the next house. With his trick or treating pumpkin filled with candy. A lot of candy drops so Billy picks it up while Tom is not looking.

The box is still on the floor and Tom starts kicking the box again! But Billy is laughing because Tom thinks Billy is the box! Mom  sees this and Tom gets time off electronics for a week! “haha!” Billy laughs, this was a great day billy said to himself.

The Best Sleepover Ever!

Once at a sleepover with some of my friends, we were in my basement talking about our plan. Our plan was to fake sleep until my mom left and then we were gonna play in my room all night. All of us agreed to stick with the plan. So we all went back upstairs.

Then we got ready to start the plan, we were so excited. When my mom left one of my friends asked “Is your mom gone?” I said “I think she is” so we got up and checked if someone was near “No one here” I said.

Then we started jumping up and down on the beds. Later we saw that the little kids were sleeping so we poured a little bit of water on their pants,luckily they did not wake up. We started to laugh quietly and act more crazy. We made up a game were one of the older kids would tell what to do he told all of us to go down stairs and stay there for ten seconds. We did it silently without being seen, when we got upstairs my older brother said “You actually did it? It was a joke.”  we got so mad! We didn’t like the game so we did a dance contest one of the older kids won.

At like eight o’clock I fell asleep, my friend woke me up and I asked “how long was I sleeping?” “ about fifteen minutes, we played on my Ipad for a good 30 minutes and we went downstairs to eat some breakfast we were starving.

When we were eating breakfast we told my mom and dad everything that happened, my mom was like “Oh My Gosh” but we were shocked when dad said he heard all of us playing upstairs but he was too lazy to go up and tell us to stop. Everyone started laughing even the little brothers were laughing!

Banning Plastic Bags


One Plastic Bag

By: Miranda Paul


Isatou lives in Gambia. One plastic bag is mainly about Isatou and her friends reusing plastic bags to save the Gambia. They make plastic purses out of the plastic bags! My favorite part was when they started making plastic purses because it inspires you to try making things out of old stuff and you learn not to litter.This reminded me of the team “Bye Bye Plastic Bags” Ted Talk because the Bye Bye Plastic Bags talk about plastic bags harming our environment. Same as the book, their home Gambia is getting harmed by the plastic bags.The message of the book is that you should not litter and sometimes you can reuse things to make awesome things!I think that you should not litter because it is hurting nature and is harming our environment because in the story the plastic bags were hurting the goats it almost killed all of them!

Banning Plastic Bags In Bali

By: TED Talks


Banning plastic bags in Bali (Ted Talk) is mostly about two girls telling us we need to recycle or even ban plastic bags. My favorite part was when they met the government of Bali because I’ve never seen the government of any country or state and also it was the most exciting part. This talk reminded me of “One Plastic Bag” because the nature was dying and was harming the environment. The message of this talk is you need to recycle plastic bags. I think they were right about recycling plastic bags because it is harming our environment.

Poetry Reflection

For this years festival “Poem In Your Pocket” I put up my poem “You Can Argue With a Bear” because I always argue with my brothers so I thought about writing a mostly fiction poem.

I also wrote this poem because I wanted to do a poem kind of serious but mostly silly or funny. I also liked this poem the best because most people in my class laughed! So I chose this poem and I got help with finding my poem for the Poem In Your Pocket Festival.


This is my poem:





You Can Argue With A Bear

By:Matthew Im


You can argue with a bear

You can argue with your cat

or a broken baseball bat.

You can argue with a shoe,

You can argue with a bed,

You can argue all day long

until your face is turning red.

ELA State Test Reflection

This year I had my first state test it was horrible  I had to read so much and write much and the 3rd part, Horrible. 🙁

At first I was excited when taking it the first time, it was worse than waiting two hours. I forgot when I was done I had to wait an hour and 30 minutes, it was horrific. Some questions were hard. The best part of it was extra recess  the tables were split and quiet and also no homework for the week! 🙂

but still the test was horrible. Also the test was horrible because my teacher had to be like a robot, She said like no devices allowed if you don’t give it to me your test answers won’t be correct. 🙁

I did not like it, my teacher said it  every day, it was annoying. 🙁

My Information book about Dinosaurs

I chose this topic because I really like Dinosaurs and I know a lot about them. Here is My book about Dinosaurs!

I hope out have a roar out of this book!

I hope you liked my book!

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