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Colonial day!!!!

Today is Colonial day. Colonial day is when we dress up in our fancy nice costumes and look like colonial people. I went to school well first it was early morning first and I we played music like always but today we put on our colonial costumes. After the bell rang and everyone went to there class and we saw everyone in there costumes.  Right, when we went to the class we got an activity it was a maze and a word search. the word search was easy but the maze was so hard. After that we had someone come in. It was someone that was pretending to be a colonial teacher. It was so funny, She made us do a spelling bee but she gave the girls easy words and the boys got hard long words. Whenever you got something g wrong she made you hold up a sign saying Idle boy or something else and a Dunce cap and other things like holding chairs. After that, we wrote on a piece of paper and we wrote with quilts. If you don’t know what a quilt is it is a feather with a sharp end so you can write with ink.

After that we went to a different class and we did tinsmith. Tinsmith is when you get a tin plate kind of like a pie shape. They people in the class room gave us choices to what shape we should do. I picked corn. So I taped the paper to the tin and I Got something sharp and pocked the holes from the paper.  After a very long time I did my own little design on the side. Then I took the paper off and looked at the whole picture. It was so cool.


Then we did candle making. We all got strings and put our name on it and make them even. Then we got in a line and on a table they would have two buckets of wax and 2 buckets of water. You would dip the strings into the wax then you put water on it and do it one more time.


Then we went down stairs to do games and riddles I to pick up sticks. Then riddles then we had to try to get a hool a hoop to stand up while we push it with a stick.    Then dancing. We went to the chorus room and we got in a line with a partner my partner was Stella. This girl sand colonial songs for us and we danced to them. We did 2 dances. We went back to the class and did music.         We sang songs and learned about new instruments. Then we went to lunch. again we went in the chorus room and we took food there was chicken, mashed potatoes, vegetables, corn, and so much more. After everyone was done you got dessert.  There was pie, whipped cream, and so much more.    Then we did the dance with the rest of the 4th grade. and with my mom we did the floss the dab the nay nay it was so fun.  and that was colonial day. I hope the rest of fourth grade enjoyed it and you too.


Here are the pictures