Blog Post 4/23/20

I believe that “building something” means that you are creating a new, physical structure from either a thought or someone telling you to. When building something you take ideas and put them into physical form and make it available to touch, and access throughout reality, and not just your mind. Buildings, or structures can look like anything from a home made table, to a skyscraper, which really goes to show you how big the variety is.

Yes I have built plenty of things before such as a fooseball table, or a flashight which I built in tech last year. When I was building the flashlight I was feeling very excited because I was building something from act ratchet and using so many different materials from which on their own, can’t really do anything, but when put together can make something amazing. When I finished building it, I got this sense of accomplishment that I never really felt before from anything ive done.I didnt work with anyone on this project, and I still have the flashlight to this day but sadly it doesn’t really work anymore since the batteries ran out, and I screwed the top on extremely tight so it would be almost impossible to break it off.