Listening to Lucca – Social Issues

Hi, my name is Maya and I was assigned for homework to blog about our social issues book.  My book is called “Listening to Lucca” but I find it weird-at the same time interesting-because on the real cover of the book that I’m reading, the title isn’t capitalized.  WEIRD!  Unlike some people, I am smart and awesome enough to notice that.  I AM THE BRAINS.  So awesome.

I know I was getting a bit off topic there.  Sorry about that.  Anyway, this book is about Siena (She is the main character) moving to Maine.  It’s a house right next to sea-so she can always hear the crashing waves.

But when Siena goes to sleep, she always has dreams.  For example, before they moved to Maine, they lived in Brooklyn and she had a dream.  A dream about a house-with a grey-ish blue-ish fence surrounding the white house near the sea.  When she moved to Maine, the house looked really similar!

Siena has these strange dreams that come out of nowhere.  For example, one was about some people in a boat, including her, stopping at one point and someone saying “GO! GO! GO!!!”  Then the people on the boat would jump off and start swimming as fast as a cheetah to… I don’t know.  While the people were swimming, Siena’s best friend, William and everyone behind him, were getting hit and then they would drown into the water, blood hovering at the top of the water.  Siena then frantically turned around but then Siena heard a voice that was saying “MOVE! MOVE!” 

Also, once while Siena was unpacking her stuff, a pen dropped to the floor that said SEA.  When she examined it, she thought, “What could this mean? Are they initials?” So after she puts ink in the pen, she takes a notepad off her shelf and then puts the pen on the paper.  Weirdly and suddenly, she starts writing.  She doesn’t think anything wile she’s writing-words just appear on the page while Siena moves the pen around on the paper.  She thinks they are initials-so once she put the pen down on the paper, she randomly scribbled down “SEA. Sarah Elizabeth Alberdine”.  She wondered how she just came up with that random name.  She knew the name Sarah because she heard it before somewhere and thought it was nice,  Elizabeth because she liked the name, but she had no idea where “Alberdine” came from!

Soon after, Siena is having dreams about Sarah and what happened to her family.  Sarah’s brother, Joshua, went to war.  And for some reason, Sarah wouldn’t talk.

Why doesn’t Lucca talk anymore?  Did he have these dreams too?  Read “Listening to Lucca” to find out!


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