Tag Archives: Toy Theaters

Rules – Social Issues

Hi, my name is Maya and I was assigned for homework to post a new blog about the social issues in the book club books we are reading.

My book is called “Rules”.  What I know is the main character, Catherine, has a little brother named David and his social issue is autism.  Catherine has a few rules for herself, too.

 Also, Catherine is experiencing someone new moving in.  Her name is Kristi.  Before Kristi arrived as a neighbor, Catherine was wishing for the kind of person who like to send Morse code messages with a flashlight at night and a friend who liked to go swimming in the pond that’s close to her house.  But when Kristi came, Catherine figured that Kristi won’t exactly be the kind of person who likes to send Morse code messages.  Catherine also noticed that Kristi doesn’t like the bottom of the pond with all the muck, but Catherine doesn’t think Kristi like the top of the pond either!

Catherine has a sketchbook and takes it with her where ever she goes.  She loves to draw.  It’s one of her favorite things.

I think the book I’m reading is called “Rules” because Catherine’s little brother, David, has autism so Catherine, in the book, makes a list of rules for David.  So in one way, I sort of think that David is also the main character of the book.

David has to go to Occupational Therapy because of his autism so Catherine has to stay in the waiting room.  While Catherine stay is the waiting room every Thursday, she sees a boy named Jason who can’t talk so he has a book that he can communicate with people.  The book has words in it-so to communicate, he would flip pages and point to words until he made a sentence.  Some of his sentences aren’t complete, but the person he communicates with understands anyway.  Catherine also makes some new and better words for Jason to put in has book.

Catherine becomes friends with Jason and they spend a lot of time together.  In Jason’s dreams, he imagines he can run without his wheelchair so one day, Catherine pleased Jason by gripping the handle of his wheelchair really hard, and speeding down a ramp that Jason felt like he was running.

Eventually there is a dance and Catherine doesn’t have anyone to go with, but that’s no problem for her.  She doesn’t even want to dance because she has a rule: No dancing unless you’re in your room or it’s pitch black.  Jason offered her to go to the dance with him-it took a while for her to decide but she said yes.

When they got to the dance, Catherine told Jason about her rule.  Jason “said” this: “Dance. Rule. Stupid.”  Catherine got offended and left the dance with tears streaming down her cheeks.  She hadn’t expected that to happen.

My reading partner is Riley.  I really enjoy being her partner.  We’re friends, anyway-even better.

Thank you!rules (1)