
I am grateful for my family because they make sure I have food to eat each day, they make sure I have play dates, and they play video games with me.

The first reason I am grateful for my family because they make sure I have food to eat each day. For example, I love the smoothies that mom makes. My favorite is mango cherry which is orange juice based.

The second reason I am grateful for my family is because my mom always make sure I have a friend to play with. For example, my mom arranges playdates with my friends and takes the time to make sure we have fun.

The third reason I am grateful for my family is because my dad and I spend quality time together even though he travels a lot for work mostly to Denver. For example, my dad and I play video games on the XBOX. We like to play Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 and I usually beat him.

To conclude, my family likes to spend time with me and to make sure I am super happy!

–Kyle Staggs November 2017

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