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Maglev Train

Final Design Process Reflection

Luke P.

Members: Reese & Lorenzo

Our first group design was we had 2 short strip magnets on the sides of the track, 6 long magnet strips for the bottom of the track, 3 ring magnets separated around the inside of the  track, 1 roll of tape for the track. For the train we had 4 little strip magnets around the outside of the train, 1 ring magnet in the middle of the train, 1 roll of tape and 2 north and south magnets.

The problem my group faced was that the train was attracting  to the track. Than we noticed that we were putting some of the magnets on the wrong sides. So than my group decided we needed to check if the magnets were on the right sides with the north and south magnets.

Our final design was 2 long strip magnets on the bottom sides of the track, and 2 little strip magnets on the bottom sides of the train. This design worked because if the train and the track are lined up the same way it will levitate if they are on north and north or south and south and attract if it’s on south and north.

I was very nervous and very excited when making the train float. I was nervous because I was scared that the train was going to brake and we would need to start all over. I was excited because I just couldn’t wait till we got it to work.  


Maglev Reflection

Final Design Process Reflection

By: Emma

Team members: Ryan, Luke I

For my first track design we put strip magnets as the track and for my vehicle design we put red magnets under the foam vehicle. We used 4 little strip magnets, 7 ring magnets, 7 disc magnets, 1 long strip magnet and 4 red magnets. We put the 4 little strip magnets on the bottom left, one long strip magnet on the other side, 4 red magnets under the foam vehicle, so it will levitate, 7 ring magnets on the right side and 7 disc magnets on the left.

One problem we faced was when the foam vehicle did not repel against the track. Instead the train stuck to the strip magnets on the track. It was very frustrating. The way we revised it was we lined up the track magnets to the magnets on the foam vehicle and it levitated.

When we did our final designs, we used 2 little magnets and 2 long strip magnet. We did not use the 7 ring magnets, the 7 disc magnets and the 2 little strip magnets. I think it worked because the track lined up with the foam vehicle. When they were arranged we put 2 long strip magnets as the track and 2 little magnets under the foam vehicle.

I felt happy in the beginning because I was so excited to start putting it together. I felt frustrated when our plan wasn’t working over and over again and it was really annoying when others plans were working. I felt proud because in the end we got it to work no matter how hard we tried it was worth it in the end.


Maglev Refection 1

By: Ryan

Group Members: Emma, Luke I

Our train had four red magnets and our track had 7 disc magnets and 7 ring magnets + 2 strip magnets, 1 long strip magnet and 4 little strip magnets and tape. We arranged them by putting the seven disc magnets on the right side and the ring magnets on the left side a long strip magnet on one side and the little strip magnets on the other side

One problem we faced was that the side the magnet went on  for example if it attracted then it would not be able to levitate. We revised it from switching the sides of the magnets and we improved it from taping it down so the magnets would not move.

Our final design was to put one strip magnet on each side of the track. It worked because the track and the vehicle were perfectly lined up. We used two long strip magnets. They were arranged like this there were one strip magnet on each side. Our vehicle had two short strip magnets on it. We arranged it by putting one short strip magnet on one side of the vehicle and the other one on the other side.

One of my thoughts going through this progress was we can do it!! This is what caused me to have this thought it is when we start a different plan. Another thought I had was why did this not work? What caused me to have this thought was when the vehicle attracted to the track and it did not work. One of my feelings was excited that we did it. What caused me to have this feeling was when it worked so I got excited. Another feeling I had was frustrated. I felt frustrated because when our plan did not work it caused me to have this feeling.

Maglev Reflection

Maglev Final Design Process Reflection                                                                  

By: Dylan

Team members: Milo and Jordan                                                                                                                                                                            For my groups first design  of our car and track we used strip magnets. We used two short strip magnets for the vehicle. We put the short strip on the edges. For the track we used two long strip magnets. We put one strip on each side of track.

One problem my group had was when we were testing out how many marbles our train could hold.We had thirty five marbles on the train. The train foam piece kept bending. The way we fixed this problem was by putting less marbles in the cup.

For the final design we used two short strip magnets for the vehicle. We put the short strip on the edges. For the track we used two long strip magnets. We put one strip on each side of track.This design worked  because the magnets were lined up.

I felt nervous that our design wouldn’t work. But it did work and sometimes I was excited to test it out. I felt  proud of us for making it work. Sometimes I felt annoyed because we couldn’t agree if it was floating or not. Sometimes I felt happy because we were having a good time working together. Sometimes I felt interested because like why is it not working, or amazed that it worked or kept going.

Maglev Train

 Final Design Process Reflection

By: Milo

Group members: Jordan, and Dylan


The materials our group used at first was two long strip magnets, masking tape, 4 north and south magnets, and two short strip magnets. Our groups first design was putting about two layers of long strip magnets layed down on the bottom of the track on the right and left side. On the train we put two short strip magnets on the bottom of the train.

The first problem we had was the train was not levitating high enough. Our groups solution was putting five long strip magnets on each side of the track. When we tried it again it held 55 marbles.                                                                                                                                                                       

Our last design was putting about seven layers of long strip magnets on each side of the track. On the train car we put two short strip magnets one on each side.

I felt nervous, and happy. I felt nervous when it was our turn to show how strong are train was by putting marbles in the cup that was taped to the top of the cup. I felt happy when our car was able to hold 82 magnets.

Final Design Process Reflection

Sofia H

Team Members: Eddie,  Ahanu

For our first design of the train there was one disc magnet in the middle of the train bottom. The train was a foam square. For the track there was one strip magnet and on that strip magnet there was ten other disk magnets  the strip magnet was a long black magnet.

When we were making the maglev train track we used way too much tape. The magnets we used were wrong because it has to line up with the magnet correctly to work.

Our final design worked because we took off the disk magnets on the bottom of the train and replaced it with two strip magnets on both edges of the train and they were lined up correctly.

When we worked on the project I had many feelings like exited, worried, and happy. I was exited because it was our first try to make it levitate.  I was worried because I was thinking “What if it doesn’t work?”and “What will we do?” I was also happy because it finally worked and we put forty eight marbles in the cup on top of the train.

Magalov reflection

Maglev Train

By: Eden 

Team Members: Peyton, Kabir, Kyle

My first design was putting 5 of the strip magnets on the the whole  train all facing on the south pole and lined up. Then we put 2 disk magnets in the middle of the car. After that we used the red magnet with the north and south poles to check if the car and the track was south or north? Some of the magnets were the wrong way so we had to fix that the way we fixed it is we used the red magnet to check the magnets again and they were correct last we tested it.

One problem my group had was the car didn’t match the track and the track didn’t match the car. So we made the magnets match and all of then were north. We put Two strip magnets on the edges of the car and two on the edges of the track they faced both north.

My final design was putting 2 long strip magnets on the edges of the track then we put 2 short strip magnets on the car

One feeling I had when working on this project is frustration and I was mad because it didn’t work. We tested it out by pushing it and it worked. It worked because the track matched the car. The first time it didn’t work because the car didn’t match the track the  second attempt did work.

Maglev Reflection

Maglev Final Design Process  

By: Lorenzo

Team Members: Reese, Luke P                                                                           

Our first design for our track we used six magnetic strips, we placed the magnets horizontally in the box securing the magnets with masking tape. For the car we used two short strips and secure it with tape as well.

One problem that we faced is our group was that when we put the train on the track everything would attract and all the tape would scramble up. One way we improved is we improved our design, we figured that we could only use two long strip magnets with space between them.

Our final design was two long magnets for the track and for the car our team used two short magnets and we taped it on. This made the train repel and the car would float.  To make the track stronger we thought to put another long strip so we put one more long strip in the middle and we did the same on the car you put one short strip magnet in the middle of the car.

My group finally got  the train to work, we felt nervous because we thought it wasn’t going to work. Another reason that we thought it wasn’t going to work was because  we thought we put too much tape.The last reason we thought it was not going to work wasbecause we thought it was going to attract.

Maglev Reflection

Maglev Reflection

By: Jake

Team Members: Noah and Agam

Our first idea to design the track was to use 5 ring magnets, 2 short strip magnets, 2 north and south magnets. We planned to put the north and south magnets on the ends of the track. Then we wanted to put 5 ring magnets along the edges of the track. For the train we put 4 disk magnets and two short strip magnets. And it is going diagonal up and down.

A problem our group had was that the train was not a mirror image of track. and  we were like it is not a mirror image. One way we made it better is we change it to a mirror.

On are final design we had 1 disc magnet 12 north-south magnets 7 short srip magnets. 2 short strip magnets.

I felt nervous because our group was unable to get any marbles in the cup.Although I did feel a little better because our team did not wind up in last place. Our team worked well together and tried really hard to get the train to work.


Final Design Process Reflection

Final Design Process Reflection

By: Reese

Group members =  Luke.P, Lorenzo.

My groups track was made with 3 ring magnets 6 long strip magnets then 2 little strip magnets. Our train was made with 4 little strip magnets 1 ring magnet 2 north/south magnets.  We arranged the track by putting the 6 long strip magnets on the bottom of the track, the ring magnets on top of them and the 2 little strips on the sides repelling. We made the train with 4 short magnets on the edges and one ring magnet in the middle.

Our first problem that we figured out was it did not levitate. We wondered why, so we double checked that everything was on the right side and it was. Then we figured it out everything needs to mirror meaning everything needs to line up.

Our final design worked and we were happy. It worked because everything was repelling and mirroring. For our track we used 3 strip magnets. We arranged it by having the 3 strip magnets lined up with a little space in between. For our train we had 3 short strip magnets. We lined them up by doing the same thing like we did on the track, we left a little space in between each of the short strip magnets.

One  of my thoughts during the project was frustrated. I was not frustrated because my team couldn’t come up with the design but I was because we kept trying and nothing worked the way we wanted, it just wouldn’t  levitate. Another felling of mine was excited. I was excited because I wanted to know how many marbles our train could hold!! The 3 felling I felt was nervous. I was nervous because I was thinking is this idea going to work or will it fail.