Tag Archives: repel levitate science

Magalov reflection

Maglev Train

By: Eden 

Team Members: Peyton, Kabir, Kyle

My first design was putting 5 of the strip magnets on the the whole  train all facing on the south pole and lined up. Then we put 2 disk magnets in the middle of the car. After that we used the red magnet with the north and south poles to check if the car and the track was south or north? Some of the magnets were the wrong way so we had to fix that the way we fixed it is we used the red magnet to check the magnets again and they were correct last we tested it.

One problem my group had was the car didn’t match the track and the track didn’t match the car. So we made the magnets match and all of then were north. We put Two strip magnets on the edges of the car and two on the edges of the track they faced both north.

My final design was putting 2 long strip magnets on the edges of the track then we put 2 short strip magnets on the car

One feeling I had when working on this project is frustration and I was mad because it didn’t work. We tested it out by pushing it and it worked. It worked because the track matched the car. The first time it didn’t work because the car didn’t match the track the  second attempt did work.