Maglev Reflection

Final Maglev Design Process Reflection

By: Sammy

Team Members: Brady, Sofia S.

Our first design was thirteen ring magnets on the track and on the car we had five disc magnets. Picture three sets of five magnets similar to five dots on a dice. Picture this on the bottom of the car five disc magnets similar to five dots on a dice.

One problem our group faced was the magnets kept attracting. The magnets kept attracting because the sides were attracting. The way we solved the problem was we made sure the magnets lined up.

Our final design was to lay two strip magnets on the edge of the box. Picture this on the track we layed two strip magnets on the edge of the box. Our car looked the same but with two short strip magnets on the edge of the car instead of two long strip magnets.

One of the thoughts I had doing this project was I was determined to make the car float  after seven tries we got it right. Another thought I had was I thought the project would be easier because  all we had to do was to make a foam square repel and glide across a track.


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