Tag Archives: Instrumental Music

Third Grade!


This year i’m in third grade. There are so many new things in third grade. There is a new playground too. In the lower grades we had a smaller playground now the fields are so much bigger and the black top is so much bigger so we’re really happy. Now we have our own hallway it’s so much quieter. In the cafeteria there’s not one garbage can there’s six! We finally changed tables and the lines move faster so now we get our food faster. We even get our own computers for three years: third grade, fourth grade, and fifth grade! In third grade we have music and instrumental music.







Instrumental Music


I like instrumental music because we play a lot of instruments. We play the violin,cello,baritone. And when we grow up we get to choose if we want to be in the band or orchestra.It is fun because we get to play a lot of instruments.I am really looking forward to playing the violin and cello.


3kv At Instrumental Music

Now that I am a third greader we all take instrumental music. This helps you pick which instrument you want to play in fourth and fifth grade. Everyone is supposed to pick an instrument.  Right now me and some of my friends are learning the violin in orchestra.I want to play the trumpet in band.