Tag Archives: realy good about resese


Recess in third grade is much different than second grade recess. For example I play tag and Infection during third grade recess. Infection is a game where you run and it is very fun. When I was in second grade I used to play kick up the hill. Sometimes I play on a very big field. I like to play soccer. In the playground there are two small slides and one small trampoline. There are also six swings. I am looking forward to having a lot of fun this year .  

play ground

This is our brand new  third grade playground. We play on it every day during our recess. It has a slide, swings, monkey bars and rock wall. It’s really different from our other playground. For example our playground has a lot of swings and the other playground does not have a lot of swings. We also have a lot of stairs and monkey bars. It has a bunch of trees around it. My favorite part about the playground is the climbing bars. They’re really fun to climb and hang on. I’m really looking forward to playing on it for the rest of the year.

play ground stairs.