Tag Archives: teamwork

Maglev Train

Final Design Process Reflection

Luke P.

Members: Reese & Lorenzo

Our first group design was we had 2 short strip magnets on the sides of the track, 6 long magnet strips for the bottom of the track, 3 ring magnets separated around the inside of the  track, 1 roll of tape for the track. For the train we had 4 little strip magnets around the outside of the train, 1 ring magnet in the middle of the train, 1 roll of tape and 2 north and south magnets.

The problem my group faced was that the train was attracting  to the track. Than we noticed that we were putting some of the magnets on the wrong sides. So than my group decided we needed to check if the magnets were on the right sides with the north and south magnets.

Our final design was 2 long strip magnets on the bottom sides of the track, and 2 little strip magnets on the bottom sides of the train. This design worked because if the train and the track are lined up the same way it will levitate if they are on north and north or south and south and attract if it’s on south and north.

I was very nervous and very excited when making the train float. I was nervous because I was scared that the train was going to brake and we would need to start all over. I was excited because I just couldn’t wait till we got it to work.  


Maglev Reflection

Final Design Process Reflection

By: Emma

Team members: Ryan, Luke I

For my first track design we put strip magnets as the track and for my vehicle design we put red magnets under the foam vehicle. We used 4 little strip magnets, 7 ring magnets, 7 disc magnets, 1 long strip magnet and 4 red magnets. We put the 4 little strip magnets on the bottom left, one long strip magnet on the other side, 4 red magnets under the foam vehicle, so it will levitate, 7 ring magnets on the right side and 7 disc magnets on the left.

One problem we faced was when the foam vehicle did not repel against the track. Instead the train stuck to the strip magnets on the track. It was very frustrating. The way we revised it was we lined up the track magnets to the magnets on the foam vehicle and it levitated.

When we did our final designs, we used 2 little magnets and 2 long strip magnet. We did not use the 7 ring magnets, the 7 disc magnets and the 2 little strip magnets. I think it worked because the track lined up with the foam vehicle. When they were arranged we put 2 long strip magnets as the track and 2 little magnets under the foam vehicle.

I felt happy in the beginning because I was so excited to start putting it together. I felt frustrated when our plan wasn’t working over and over again and it was really annoying when others plans were working. I felt proud because in the end we got it to work no matter how hard we tried it was worth it in the end.


Maglev Reflection

Maglev Reflection

By: Jake

Team Members: Noah and Agam

Our first idea to design the track was to use 5 ring magnets, 2 short strip magnets, 2 north and south magnets. We planned to put the north and south magnets on the ends of the track. Then we wanted to put 5 ring magnets along the edges of the track. For the train we put 4 disk magnets and two short strip magnets. And it is going diagonal up and down.

A problem our group had was that the train was not a mirror image of track. and  we were like it is not a mirror image. One way we made it better is we change it to a mirror.

On are final design we had 1 disc magnet 12 north-south magnets 7 short srip magnets. 2 short strip magnets.

I felt nervous because our group was unable to get any marbles in the cup.Although I did feel a little better because our team did not wind up in last place. Our team worked well together and tried really hard to get the train to work.


Maglev Reflection

Final Design Process Reflection


Team Members:  Sofia H and Ahanu

My team’s first design for the track was 10 disc magnets, 1 big strip magnet and 1 ring magnet. For the train we taped the ring magnet in the middle of the train with the bottom of the magnet facing north. On the track we put the big strip magnet in the middle of the track and the magnet was facing south. We put the 10 disc magnets on top of the big strip magnet so they can attract.

The problem for our team was that the train kept flipping over and attracting to the track. We improved it by taking the disc magnets off the track and flipping the big bar magnet over so the top of the magnet was facing north, that made it to float but it didn’t make it to go across.

The final design my team made was we put two small strip magnets facing north on the train and two big strip magnets also facing north on the track. We put them in the exact same place but two magnets were on the train and two were on the track just like there was a mirror in between the train and the track.

My feelings for when my team and I were making the Maglev train was angry that it kept flipping over and nervous that we were not going to finish in time.

The S.T.E.A.M. Challenge

In class we did the S.T.E.A.M. challenge. The S.T.E.A.M. challenge is when you make a chain out of paper. Our team did good because we worked together and our strategy was long and thin.When we did it we each had a job. My job was gluing,Lorenzo did gluing too,Noah did cutting and  Reese did attaching.Teams were divided by table.Table 1 was pink,table 2 was blue,table 3 did green,table 4 did orange and table 5 did purple. It was so much fun!!!


S.T.E.A.M Challenge 2017!!!

In our class we worked on a S.T.E.A.M challenge. A S.T.E.A.M challenge  is when you make something with a group. In S.T.E.A.M challenge we got one piece of paper and we worked together to make the longest chain in the class. I worked with my table. Each table had their own color. Table 1 was pink, table 2 was blue, table 3 was green, table 4 was orange, and table 5 my table was purple. The point was to work with your table. Our challenge was to make the longest chain using one piece of paper. Our strategy was to make it skinny and long. We each had a job. Mine was to attach, Emma’s was to glue and Noah and Lorenzo’s was to cut. We finished and then we saw a lot of fat chains so we took them off and made them skinnier.  We got second place. I was so excited!!!!!!!