Rube Goldberg Blog Post #2

Projects like the Rube Goldberg machine take a lot of determination and never giving up. It takes many tries to get it right. The process throughout the whole way is a struggle, but in the end, it was all worth it. 


My Rube Goldberg machine was so fun to make! The starting process was hard because you had to try and think of how to make it work. The hardest part about the planning was figuring out what to do in the end. When I was building it, it was hard to keep setting it up every time. I realized the hardest part was the small parts like the phone or the marble falling. When I finally finished it was so satisfying and I was so happy. 1 year ago I was watching my brother do his Rube Goldberg machine, and it looked so easy, I did not realize how hard it actually was to make it work. 


Starting to test, I realized different things along the way. For example, the blocks had to be at the perfect place for the marble to hit it. Another thing is that the phone had to be at the perfect place for it to actually fall or else it would stay put. It took me 15 tries for my whole Rube Goldberg machine to work. When it finally worked, I was so happy. It was tiring at some parts to keep redoing it and sometimes it would make me want to give up, but it was actually really fun to make and to test. 

People in my family that helped me were my dad (who helped plan and build, my mom (who helped plan and was the photographer and video), my grandparents, and my brothers and friends and family as an audience!


The WeVideo was the next step. First I had to plan it out on a script planner. That was pretty easy! Next, I started to import my videos into WeVideo but they wouldn’t load. I finally figured out that you had to watch them load. When they finally loaded, I started to put them into the WeVideo baseline. It was actually really fun to make. It was sort of hard because one time I tried to put in a transition and it ruined everything, but when was done I was really proud of myself!


Overall, this project was super fun and I loved all of it so much! The process was hard at first, but the end product was worth the struggle! My video of my Rube Goldberg machine, Cherry on Top, is going to be below, so watch it when you get the chance, please! But, after all of this, I think I’ll just go back to putting on cherries the normal way!

My video: