My question was what would happen is we use hot water instead of regular water. My hypothesis was that the plant will grow normally but will die before the other plants because the body of the plant can’t withstand the heat. Every day we would give the plant 5 drops of water, measure how tall the plant was, check the buds, check the leaves and the color. Our manipulated variable was the hot water my control variables were the soil, sun, air, quad, wick, fertilizer pellets and the seeds. We were looking for plant growth and how healthy it would be.
My plant would usually be growing 1 cm per day. The color was always green. There were a lot of leaves. My plant started dieing before then all the other plants. My hypothesis was correct because the body of the plant was to hot. We just got pods. Some pods are really long, but some are short. There is something all the pods have in common, they are all green. I can see some bumps on the pod. I think those are seeds.
During the pollination part of this unit I learned that pollan help seed become seeds. I also learned that if the pollen of a plant does not reach a certain place the seeds will not become seeds.
I am going to tell you what I learned about photosynthesis, photosynthesis is a process where the plant makes food with carbon dioxide and water and sunlight. Photosynthesis means to put things together with light. Photosynthesis allows the plant to make its own food.
There is a big plant life cycle a plant and I will tell you about it. First is the seed, the seed is the plant as a baby. Next comes the roots the root help collect water and holds the plant in place.. Then is the stem, the stem transports water, food and nutrients, it also holds the plant upright. Then are the leaves, the leaves are very helpful because the plant can’t move and get food. The leaves have to make food to survive. Next is the flower, the flower has the eggs in it and it also has pollin to make those eggs into seeds. The very last thing is the seeds. The seeds help spread the species.