Fantasy Post #2

For each fantasy book we read we have to right an analytical paragraph about the book. It is basically an essay except it is just the body paragraph. It is easier and harder at the same time. It is easier because it is just 1…

Fantasy Post #1

I really like fantasy because I like the stories. I like stories of magical worlds and crazy situations. I like all the adventures to save people, the world, or find out answers. I think that fantasy is great because you can have so many different…

Final Reflection

I think the fact that we ha do do this project during quarantine helped us a lot and was a good experience. The pros of doing this in quarantine is that we get to work at our own pace and when we want. This allowed…

Final Project

At first I wanted to do a presentation for my final project. But after thinking about it I decided I should do a video. I chose to do a video a for a few reasons. The main one is that I don’t have to talk….


During the course of this project I have encountered some challenges. The biggest challenge was finding the info I needed and the answers to my questions. My question don’t have yes or no answers so I is more challenging to find the answers. I also…

Learning About Myself

Over the course of this project so far a have learned that I am good at storing info in my head and not have to write it down. I think that both storing things in your head and on notes are both very viable options….

Check In

My project is going good so far. I am finding YouTube and documentaries most helpful because the have a lot of good info and good sources. On YouTube there are a lot of good channels and videos with lots of good info. I like YouTube…

Identifying Resources

I will go about identifying my resources by asking my dad. My dad loves F1 so he has a lot of great resources. He knows of a few documentaries that will be great. I know that these documentaries are credible because they are made by…

Passion Project

This March we were assigned a passion project to do. We get to pick a topic and then study it and then do a final project. We can pick anything(as long as it is school appropriate). There are so many topics that I might want…

Immigration: Preparing for the interview #1

My teacher assigned us an immigration project. We have to interview an immigrant. Then, we have to do a video about this person. The first step is obviously picking the person I will interview. This person has to have immigrated to the U.S. This task was very…