This project left me with a lot of enjoyment, some mistakes and lessons learned. First of all, the enjoyable things about the project. One of which was to work with my friends. It might have not been a wise idea because they fool around at times. But my determination about getting the best grade, which I take pride in, kept us going at a good pace. Overall, I enjoyed working with my friends. It made the whole experience very fun.
Not everything was enjoyment and fun, i definitely made some mistakes. One of them was not testing each step individually. I would line everything up to do the whole thing. But then only 1 thing would not work and nothing else would get tested. It might not have been a problem that I lined everything up to do a full test, I just did not look at the quality of each step.
I also learned a lot during this project. 1 of the things I learned was that your group can make or break your experience. I would want to say that I chose a perfect group and they made my whole experience but that would be lying. I am not saying that my group broke my experience. I honestly think I picked a perfect combo between make and break. They fooled around at times, but also made my experience more fun, than a group that was perfect and didn’t fool around probably could.