My group’s PSA!

Hi guys! For a couple weeks now, our class has been working on PSAs on human rights. PSAs stand for public service announcements. My group’s PSA is about discrimination towards LGBTQs. I’m guessing you are confused by this abbreviation. To find out what it means, watch my group’s PSA.

See you next post!

Snow Day Poem!!!

Here’s a poem I made up about the upcoming snow day. Hope you like it. Comment what you think about it!!


I flushed an ice cube down the toilet

Watched it go round and round

And on every windowsill in the house I put

White crayons that I had found

I wore my pajamas inside out- and backwards!

Then checked for hot cocoa in the cupboards

I put a spoon under my pillow

And made sure that we had plenty of marshmallows

Then I went to bed

And in my head

Hoped and prayed for a snow day


One of my favorite sports is basketball. I play rec for Fox Meadow and travel for Scarsdale. I really like basketball because it is a team sport, unlike tennis, which is my other favorite sport. What I like about it being a team sport is that I know I can rely on my teammates if I (or anyone else) get stuck and need help. I also love it because it is really good exercise, and I love when I end up sweaty and tired after a game or practice, because that tells me I played my hardest. Another reason why I love basketball is because it’s just fun to play in general. I love playing defense, playing offense, passing, dribbling, shooting, all of it! Basketball is one of the best sports to play. If you would like to see a video of me playing in an actual game, click HERE. Bye guys!


Hi guys! I’m Maya V. I’m going to tell you a little bit about myself here. I’m in fifth grade at Fox Meadow school, and I have two crazy younger brothers. I love spending time with my family and friends.  Here are some more things I love:

  • tennis
  • basketball
  • cooking
  • spicy foods
  • dancing
  • music
  • Michigan Wolverines
  • Dallas Cowboys
  • sweets!
  • math
  • puppies
  • the color blue

I’m so excited to post more soon. Bye!