Tag Archives: #Building

7th Grade Technology – Building

Hi again!

Summer vacation is officially over, and now we’re going back to school again!… Except that not everybody is physically going back to school. Like me, for example; I’m learning virtually only.

You might ask, “What does that mean?”

So I’ll give you the answer! Instead of actually being in the school building, I’m going to attend classes from home over the ZOOM app. (Thank you, modern technology.)

Anyway, this is my very first seventh grade technology blog post of the school year and it’s going to be about… drumroll, please… building!

Sure, it might not sound that interesting at first, but bear with me, and click on that “read more” bar! I can’t promise that you’ll find it at all interesting. But why not give it a chance?

Read more: 7th Grade Technology – Building